an experiment in Weight Watchers Program sharing

  • Aug. 2, 2014, 3:16 p.m.
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When I finish with the food I already have (can't bring myself to throw out food that's still good), I will try to stop eating milk and wheat.

They can both cause bloating, and I want to see if avoiding them will make a difference. Hmm, no yogurt??? (I am emergency room level allergic to soy milk and almonds) No milk in my coffee? Maybe just no coffee... I can have green tea instead.

I often get non-wheat pasta - Trader Joe's has a variety of choices there. I am alright with soy cheese (go figure) and there are other non-dairy cheeses. Then there are various breads with no wheat - spelt comes to mind.

I'll see if it makes a difference. This is a huge midsection to be lugging around, for sure.

raeven August 02, 2014

I would suggest giving one of them up at a time for a period of time and see if that makes a difference instead of giving them both up.. that way you can pinpoint what might be causing these issues. Good luck!

Darcy0207 from OD raeven ⋅ August 03, 2014

that does make sense. It's difficult to give up wheat because it's in everything; and difficult to give up milk since I love my coffee. Ah, to choose.

woman in the moon August 03, 2014

Giving one up at a time is good advice. When I gave up wheat and sugar I gave up wheat first for a month, then sugar. I haven't tried giving up dairy mainly because I get a fair share of protein from cheese. I need to write an entry about my food choices.

Good luck with yours!

Darcy0207 from OD woman in the moon ⋅ August 03, 2014

I dread it, but the belly is out of control. I've read that milk and wheat are often the culprits... oh, yes, and sugar... THAT'S not going to happen...

Ragdolls August 03, 2014

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