don't play games w/ me *evan thing again* in The Wonderland Years: 2014. Done.

  • Aug. 2, 2014, 4:45 a.m.
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cause that's the most interesting part of my life right now. [no it is].

yeah so. he's told me twice he doesn't know how long it'll be before we see each other again. I might just be looking for reasons to be upset but. whenever someone says something like that or. that they don't know what to do about something. I find that hard to believe. honestly I find it hard to believe people are that incapable and incompetent. [cause well i'm not. I usually know how to solve a problem even if I don't say anything about it]. Most people aren't that unintelligent.

If he'd gone 'well it might be 6 months to a yr.' [and I hope it's not that long] then i'd have something to go on. or if he'd gone 'well it might be 2 wks. it might be 2 months' yeah that's ok. i'm not asking for anything tremendously detailed here. just something to go on. cause right now I got nothing.

I do appreciate the fact that he didn't just ghost out on me this time.

don't play games w/ me particularly of the guessing variety.

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