Disappearance in The Past

  • July 30, 2014, 8:45 p.m.
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I feel better now. I’m sorry I disappeared like I did – I’m finally beginning to decompress from the damned show. For the first time in over a week, the thought of being around people doesn’t make me feel like someone’s shoving pins into my skin. The show failing and Aunt Louise’s trip was way too much for me to handle at once. I think I might need to talk to a doctor again and see about getting me on pills for my moods. Normally I’m pretty okay; I know my moods and know when to avoid people and when I can be decent company. -shakes her head- harder than I thought this past week or so.

Money troubles aren’t helping. I’m running in circles kicking myself in the ass (what a picture) and trying to figure out what to do for the money troubles. Aunt Louise’s trip wiped us out and so did the failed show, I was counting on making a little money to help with the business bills that are beginning to pop up. I have to start paying for winter shows and I need to buy more metal and teddy bears and glowsticks. Not to mention paying Brandon for his earrings, and getting the tags etched.

On that note, anyone here an artist? I need some line art done so that the people etching the tags can etch them… it’s nothing big. I just don’t have any talent at art and Brandon swears up and down his friend can do it, and I’m not feeling really trusting right now. -sigh-

On the upside, I got accepted into NewCon in Portland. This is good because it’s a new venue and I’m going to see how my stuff sells… it’s bad because it adds more pressure. And I might end up seeing A.J. again… I don’t know how I feel about that. I miss him, but meh. It’d be awkward at the very least.

I’m going to start working on maile again soon, but first I want to take pictures of what I have… I really, really, really need to do that. I’m going to try to get some pictures done this evening, the whole lighting thing really gots me confused and it’s sucking bad. But other than that, everything’s going good there. Well, as long as you forget the fact that I -hate- taking pictures.

Last updated December 25, 2016

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