oh man i've been slacking here. in my challenge

  • July 30, 2014, 11:17 a.m.
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well, i've neglected this now haven't i? so where are we? hmmm, i've noticed a significant water weight loss recently. which is nice, made the pants looser. switched to wearing running shoes at work compared to the doc martens i was wearing. though that is only a temporary thing. my arms aren't super toned looking though, and i've been dogging it on my workouts. i'm trying not to. i've been getting home later and working out later, it seems to kill any momentum i have. plus i'm coming home super tired. not an excuse, just pointing out things. cardio seemed to help out a bit when it comes to the water weight loss. though i've switched back to more weight training. i killed it on leg work yesterday though my joints are not happy with me. i forgot to take my supplements and now they hurt. but i haven't given up yet. i'm slightly happy with myself for making it this far/long. i'm going to keep going with this until i look the way i want. i just want to get to the point where maintenance isn't hard work. i want to prove to myself that i can do it, i want to prove to my detractors that i have done it. because i know i can and i will.

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