Resting bitch face in Hello.

  • July 29, 2014, 10:31 p.m.
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Bloody hell, I woke up in a stinker of a mood this morning. Like psycho, bitchy, nasty, horrid type of mood. I even woke several times in the night angry. That's new. I tried counting my blessings, but I felt like I was just tangled up in a big, angry duvet. I tried self medicating with Pro Plus and several cups of coffee (seriously, caffeine can lift my mood when I'm angry) but that just made me a jittery bitch. So I decided to hide from the family instead. I tidied the kitchen and scrubbed it until John got out of bed, then I went and started to deep clean our bedroom. I've almost got it done. I fancy moving the furniture around and hanging our giant Indian wall hanging. I like doing that, so I've saved it for tomorrow when, hopefully, I'll be in a better mood.

We're supposed to be going on holiday to Aran next week. A fortnight ago, Rob told us he wasn't coming because he had loads of shifts on at work that week and, besides, he's going sailing round that way in a few weeks. So I've been fretting, trying to convince him to come, but no, he's staying here. So I tell him there's no way he's staying here alone. I'll come back to a pile of rubble, police talking about breaches of peace and probably eviction papers from our landlady, who lives next door. Yesterday, with John's agreement, I went to ask my parents if it's OK if he stays in their spare room. Yes, I know he's 19, but I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him. He confirmed this in me by saying "please can I stay here mum? I've behaved now for three weeks! I've done nothing wrong for almost a month!" Yeah, I'm totally convinced he'll behave, lol! I didn't say anything to Rob until I was certain what was going on. He doesn't cope well with vague promises and half ideas. He needs to know what's happening and when.

I spoke to my mam on her own, because my dad would have just said yes, but my mam would think about it first. She said it would probably be ok, but she'd speak to my dad first. My dad rang this afternoon and Rob picked up the phone. My dad obviously told him the score because as soon as he passed the phone to me, he started hissing at me "I'm not a kid, mum. Why can't I stay here? You don't trust me, do you? Why don't you trust me?" while I was trying to sort things out with my dad. (Rob always acts up when I'm on the phone. He always used to as a baby, but I honestly thought he might have grown out of it!) My dad was also asking me what we proposed to do while they were away visiting Shellie, when I hadn't really considered it because I didn't know if Rob was going to stay with them. I just flipped and turned to Rob and said "for God's sake! Will you just shut up? I'm on the bloody phone!!" My dad told me I shouldn't speak to Rob like that, which riled me even more, but I remained polite because my dad hadn't done anything wrong and had literally just heard me shout at Rob without knowing my mood and Rob's determination to completely wind me up.

It was totally evident that Rob was lying again, as all of a sudden he had no shifts next week and he's reluctantly agreed to come with us, the ungrateful so and so. He got in touch with his line manager to ask if it's OK to go on holiday for a week with next to no notice, but the kitchen manager isn't in until tomorrow, so I still haven't booked any train or ferry tickets. ~sigh~

In other news, there are rumours abound that Alt Fest has been cancelled. There's been several bands saying they've had an e mail saying it's been cancelled and bands saying they haven't heard anything. I'm waiting to hear it from the horse's mouth, but I'm going to be very angry if I don't get my £200 back. If it's not on I'll be upset, but not as upset as those who have already arranged transport there, or are even coming from abroad!

Bomb Shell July 29, 2014

How did you pay for the tickets? If it was by credit card, you'll be covered on that. Maybe with PayPal as well but I can't be sure. Anyway, the organisers should refund everyone if you've paid for an event that isn't going ahead.

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ July 29, 2014

I can't remember if it was by debit card or PayPal. I have my receipt, I got it again last week. I hope they'll refund me. :/

Deleted user July 29, 2014

at the end of the day, its your house and he hasn't proved trustworthy lately. I wouldn't let him stay in the house on his own either!

~Twinkle~ July 30, 2014

Hope you get your money back! X

Miso Honey August 03, 2014

Query: What is resting bitch face all about. I see several people using the term, but all in the last couple days.

Babe In Toyland Miso Honey ⋅ August 03, 2014

It's someone who looks like they're being bitchy when their faces are just relaxed. I love the expression!

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