Holding in Everyday Ramblings

  • July 28, 2014, 5:13 a.m.
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This is such a traditionally “pretty” shot I took this morning I decided to use a traditional sort of frame. At some point, when I get the super abundance of technology going on in my rooms under control I will probably return to making borders for my pictures.

My laptop is back! As are all the pictures (including all the blurry ones I had deleted because these were the master files that were recovered.)

Eleven thousand pictures! Oh my.

Most Honorable did an amazing job and the new hard drive is super fast.

It is going to take me a few weeks to get everything where it is easy for me to do all my day-to-day stuff without thinking too much about it.

This has really been a lesson in impermanence and attachment and energy management; about where do I want to put my focus when I only have limited time available.

Sammy is making these kinds of decisions as well. He doesn’t fight me when I give him his antacid pill every morning anymore. He just swallows it and the heart medicine I give him right afterwards and on Sunday morning the calcium booster deal suspended in tuna oil.

He has been very quiet and calm all weekend and we have had some good snuggle time together. I find I cry when I am in the shower or walking down the street thinking about losing him. Getting ready to lose him.

He is my closest existing link to Mr. Finch as the bird guy absolutely railroaded me into adopting Sam just a few weeks after the towers came down in 2001. Some of you remember that.

I wasn’t ready and yet what a rich and wild experience having them both in my life turned out to be. Sammy has been with me longer than any of my men friends. I guess I am better at inter-species relationships than I am at intra-species ones. :)

It could be soon, or not quite yet. We just don’t know and that is the crazy making part. My poor cat sitter, who absolutely adores Sam, is alarmed.

I am functioning. Getting my daily activity in, maintaining my weight, going to work, eating healthy food and teaching when I am scheduled to. The chickadees and house finches, sparrows, scrub jays and occasional squirrels are getting fed and enjoying fresh water. (The chickadees were positively ornamental on my birdbath yesterday.)

All the striving and ambition seems to be falling away. At least for now.

I am looking forward to taking my teaching yoga to seniors certification in October and have been spending some time getting ready for that…

Did you know that if in your sixties you are moderately but consistently active and lubricate your joints with slow targeted movements every day you are 40% less likely to get osteoarthritis in your seventies?

My feeling about this is that if I can help one person avoid the onset of arthritis or a bad fall by working with them then I am doing a very good thing indeed.

So even though I feel like I am in a holding pattern, I am in reality, actually right where I need to be.

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