Car repairs,the way it was in Just Life

  • April 22, 2023, 2:33 p.m.
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The mechanic who fixed my car was very thorough he took his time. I accidentally busted the radiator hitting a deer the radiator had to be replaced ,headgaskets had to be replaced due to overheating. They did an oil change,replaced the thermostat,replaced the push rod,fixed the front flex pipe on my car with metal it now has a rattle but my exhaust doesn’t leak. This effort took several days but it went from dying to a good car that I love again. The total it cost was $3,081.28. Mom,me and hubby chipped in to afford the car. I appreciate a good team effort.

A lot of people say for that price I should have bought a new car. People swear I will never get the money back I put in my 2008 Impala retired police interceptor. What makes you think I ever plan to replace it? I plan to run it till there’s nothing left. My husband often tries to get me to replace this car. I have only had it since 2020. When I bought it we paid $2,000 for it. Honestly I plan to keep it several more years I am fond of it. Things lasts when you care for it.

During these repairs I have been staying at the hotel. I sleep there overnight to be sure I will be there to cook breakfast in the morning. The beds are uncomfortable. The shower is heavenly. I came home after paying for the repairs on my car so I can wash and dry some more uniforms. Tonight is my last night at the hotel. I can then return to my soft comfortable bed.

It’s so nice to be back home. Mom and the kitties have missed me..My husband is currently at work. After I pick him up from work i plan to go back to the hotel. 4 am comes early. I am going take a nap.till hubby gets off.

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