More excitingness! in Hello.

  • July 23, 2014, 3:27 a.m.
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Today I went to the induction of the family event leader. It's a brand new venture, free and open to the public. The brief is that it's aimed at little ones aged 7 and under, with information for the adults as well. We're doing it from Keswick over August as a trial, with a plan to roll it out over more school holidays if it takes off. It's geared towards those who aren't really used to walking far or wanting to get their kids doing more difficult walks, hence us starting from the middle of town, rather some remote location.

It's really open to interpretation, we've been given a route and some ideas for tasks that make the kids have a proper look about, be aware of their surroundings, make a bit of wild art and music, that kind of thing. The final task gets the adults involved, where we empty a mountain climber's rucksack and they have to identify the red herrings in there, then show them an emergency shelter, we all get in and eat some Kendal mint cake. Looks like a lot of fun! As it's just a trial, we're doing the four Tuesdays in August, then asking for feedback to see if it will work.

I also organised my navigation training, the bronze award. That's on Thursday with the assessment on Friday.

While I was walking with the event coordinator, she hinted that there was going to be reshuffling within the LDNPA, so she's going to keep me in the loop and send me details of any roles that come up I might be interested in!!! How good is that!?!! That's set to happen in October, so I'm muchly looking forward to that! See, I knew I gave up my job at just the right time, I'm sure I wouldn't have mentioned I would love to work for the LDNPA if I was still working for Barnardo's!

Etoile Filante July 23, 2014

How exciting!! xXx

~Twinkle~ July 23, 2014

Brilliant! X

Bomb Shell July 23, 2014

You've been ever so busy since you left Barbado's, all looking good!

Getting into an emergency shelter and eating Kendal mint cake sounds hilarious. Oh, our mate Matt (the one who.came to Download with us) has never heard of Kendal mint cake, I couldn't believe it! He didn't sound impressed when we tried to explain it. " It's like a big, soft sugar cube made from either white or brown sugar, and it's flavoured with mint. Sometimes it's covered in chocolate!" Lol it sounds strange if you've never had it.

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ July 23, 2014

I've never been to Barbados. :p But yeah, it's all looking good! I'm not a huge fan of Kendal Mint Cake...I'll eat it occasionally, but it feels like eat All The Icing mostly...

Bomb Shell Babe In Toyland ⋅ July 23, 2014

Well my Kindle obviously thinks it's about time you went!

Deleted user July 23, 2014

ooh wouldn't it be great if your volunteering turned into a proper job?

Babe In Toyland Deleted user ⋅ July 23, 2014

That was always the plan, but about 18 months from now! The Jobâ„¢ was mostly the incentive for moving back Home. It will be great if it pans out!

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