Escape kitty,broken car,passing out issues,sleep in Just Life

  • April 19, 2023, 7:27 p.m.
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We didn’t realize it. We went out with our friends. Jude and Emily who took us to Sam’s Club to eat at the restaurant and we went to my mom’s house. We had a small bonfire. Ziggy snuck out when we left. We were out for 3 hours. Ziggy being the good boy he is stayed on the porch sunbathed and waited on us. He greeted us when we came home to be let back in. Who knew our cat wouldn’t wonder off.. I am so grateful Ziggy wants to stay with us. I adopted my black Siamese in 2014. In my opinion he has a great personality and is irreplaceable. I am grateful Coal didn’t get out he would have vanished. I will never have to worry about Harley Quinn or her son Ash. Both those cats hate being outside.

My car is still in the shop they are replacing the headgaskets,and radiator. They took the entire motor apart to see if my car when it overheated cracked the pistons or not. My pistons are being sent away to test them. Last time I saw my car my motor was in a pile in tiny pieces. We cleaned out the trunk so they could store the motor pieces in the trunk. I hope the rebuild will give me the vehicle I know and love. I have had it since 2020. I am not ready to get rid of it yet. If I can maintenance the vehicle maybe I can run it for years to come. We only paid $2,000 for it when we first bought it. My husband wants me to trade it in for a car payment but honestly I like older vehicles they have character. I love my retired police car. Knowing I don’t owe a car payment makes all the difference.

I had to cancel my doctor appointment today due to transportation issues. We needed cat litter and due to my recent blood pressure issues my husband walked with me over to the Dollar General. I carried some contents in the bookbag and my husband carried the 20 pounds worth of litter home. My husband knees was hurting him so I had to slow down. He held my hand told me I am beautiful and rubbed my back. I ate up the affection. My husband and I use walking to the store a form of exercise because if I get to active with my blood pressure issues I sometimes pass out. I think that has to do with my medicine. I am debating whether the passing out thing is from my blood pressure medication or Zoloft my depression medication.

I think I am going to sleep.. a lot happened today..night

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