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  • July 18, 2014, 12:31 p.m.
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I still haven't started my spinning. I'm bad, I know. I need a drum carder to be able to do it large scale and they're just so expensive! So I have an idea to raise funds. I've done it before and found it quite profitable, but I'm not going to share because I don't want anyone nicking my idea. Let's just say I'm going to be selling wool on the car boot sale as soon as I can get myself a pasting table sorted. Then once I get my wee business venture off the ground, any money I make will go into savings for driving lessons and a car. So hopefully in 12-18 months, I'll be in a better position to be able to apply for jobs in my field. Good eh?

In the meantime, I'm volunteering my bottom off, doing as much as I can to build up my CV. This weekend I'm going to The Next Town to do a nature thing with walks, pond dipping and the like. I'm not entirely certain what's expected of me, I don't really know much about it! But it does sound good and it's nice that I was considered in the first instance to do it, considering I've only ever met the woman once at Woolfest!

Then on Tuesday I've got a meeting about the family activity leader. That's in Keswick, so I might take myself off for a walk afterwards if the weather is OK. Eee!

It's not as if I've just been sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Much.

Rob, dad and me on High Rigg. That's Thirlmere in the background. Dad and I on our first guided walk, Rob was there with his youth group.

I bought a ridiculous new hat. Because it was there. And cheap.

I got a package sent by Kim Deal HERSELF!

Bel went to her end of primary school prom....

...and started looking about 16....

John and I went for a walk and got caught in a downpour. Need a waterproof? No, not me. I'll be fine...

My girls finished school today. Eleanor is going into juniors and Isabel is starting secondary school! Eep!

Etoile Filante July 18, 2014

I LOVE the hat!! xXx

Mum of Yum July 18, 2014

I thought seniors was secondary school? Shows how much I know lol! Bel looks so grown up!!

Babe In Toyland Mum of Yum ⋅ July 18, 2014

D'oh! It is, I meant juniors! Thank you. :)

Bomb Shell July 18, 2014

Seeing your red eye made my eyes water!

I can't see your Kim Deal package photo. How did you manage that?

You've been mega busy!

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ July 18, 2014

We bought some 7" singles and the customs declaration was signed by her. It was only her name in print, but I was mega impressed!

Canadian Lass July 18, 2014

I see that hat and my brain scream "STEAMPUNK MUST HAVE!!!!!!!!!"

Babe In Toyland Canadian Lass ⋅ July 19, 2014

I know, right?!? It's amazing!

~Twinkle~ July 19, 2014

Cannot believe how big your girls are! X

Deleted user July 20, 2014

Bel does suddenly look so grown up!

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