my comfort zone in keeping it postive

  • July 18, 2014, 11:32 a.m.
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Basically it's HOME. Although I live in NYC, and am aware of all the cultural activities, I love being home. I read, I play on the computer... repeat.

I love being out, but it's the GETTING out that's difficult. It's so easy to just lie back and read... and read... and snack... and nap... You can see where this is going.

A friend told me about a harbor cruise - 3 hours, with food, dancing... It's for people younger than I am - 30's to 50's - so I cannot expect to find the love of my life.. or even Mr. Right Now.

One problem is that I probably will have worked that day... but that is probably true for everyone there. And usually, unless I am having an amazing time... I keep thinking, I'd rather be home reading my book...

And since it will end around 11 p.m. and FAR from where I live, I figure I'll have to take a cab home.

SO far outside my comfort zone....hmmm.

ermentrude July 18, 2014

Mr right or Mr right now are irrelevant to having a night where you challenge the comfort zone and risk having fun ;-) x

Darcy0207 from OD ermentrude ⋅ July 18, 2014

I agree about finding someone is NOT the point, but I also wonder about crowds (don't like 'em), loud music (ditto) and not being able to end it when I want to - on a boat. Still have time to mull it over.

ermentrude Darcy0207 from OD ⋅ July 18, 2014

Take a life ring and swim for it if you don't enjoy it - it'll make for a conversation opener if nothing else ;-)

Darcy0207 from OD ermentrude ⋅ July 18, 2014

swim in the Hudson River in party clothing?? You do have a sense of humor.

ermentrude Darcy0207 from OD ⋅ July 18, 2014

Absolutely :-) and that's in answer to both comments! X

Ragdolls July 23, 2014

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