Hit dead deer,car damage, threatened fired in Just Life

  • April 15, 2023, 7:30 p.m.
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The day before a police officer was strobing his lights with a person parked in the middle of the road. I tried to maneuver around him to accidentally hit a dead deer in the road. I couldn’t see it because of the strobe lights. Another police officer behind me hit the deer and had to clean up the blood splatter from his windshield. After the officer hit the dead deer the crime scene quickly vanished.

I checked the car. I hit it with my tire a small scratch later I thought it was ok. This morning the car overheated 6 times I tried to make it to work. I gave up called my boss went home and took a small nap.

My husband cooked me egg whites mixed with bacon on a bagel with cheese and mustard. I ate it happily with chai tea. While my husband got ready for work I made chicken salad for his lunch. My mom snatched a bit of chicken salad to make a sandwich.

I went to Meineke Car Care Center. They said the deer busted my radiator.. shit. We just spent almost every penny we had on underpinning and rent now this. They said it would take until Tuesday or Wednesday. $635 is how much we owe. My mom said she didn’t have the money my husband and I were going to arrange payment plan with the mechanic to discover a secret account mom didn’t want us to know about. Mom realized car repairs is an emergency or we were going to lose her jobs. Mom was kind enough to chip in to help.

Today Jude and Emily were kind enough to pick me up from Meineke. We went to the store for food for moms dogs. I tried to carry the 25 pound dogfood on my shoulder up the stairs like I did thousands of times before. I stood up felt dizzy grabbed the railing thought I was ok. Jude was carrying the water up mom’s stairs when I passed out. I fell banging my head off the metal swing. I knocked myself out. I was sitting up and talking less than a minute. I sat there till my blood pressure adjusted cussing my Zoloft. I hate when that happens. They were nice enough to help me take Baby and Lemon for a walk. I am so grateful for friends like them.

I tried to call off till my car is fixed my boss Gina refused my request. I told her my car is in the shop I don’t have a ride taxis don’t run at 4 am. She asked so I not have friends. I felt bad to confess no not many. My boss Gina threatened to fire me. I was desperate so I asked for help from my peers on Facebook. Emilea thought she can but now I have no ride not sure if I can make it to work.

I am grateful for the few friends I have. They have really saved my ass lately.

Last updated April 15, 2023

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