One week in Hello.

  • July 14, 2014, 5:30 a.m.
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That's how long I've been out of work now. One week already! It's kind of flown in really. I know I need to hunker down and get started learning how to spin wool and all, but, you know,I decided to have a few days off to myself and not think about having to get up and go to work. It's ace!

What's not so ace is that our benefit entitlement had been worked out wrong due to a mistake at the HMRC and they've been overpaying us for months. So not only have I had a cut in my benefit, they're also taking a chunk of it back to go towards the over payment. Sigh. Belts will need to be tightened, but we're not in dire straits. Also, due to another mistake by the HMRC, I've been paying tax on my wages, which I shouldn't have done, being part time and all, so I've also had a nice cheque from them. I didn't spot the tax coming off because Barnardo's send your payslips online, which I never thought to check.

So I need to get my arse in gear making stuff for craft fairs and the like, learning how to spin properly and also keeping my eyes peeled to see if any paid roles come up in the field of work I'm interested in because there would be no way I'd pass up on that!

This week dad and I went on our first guided walk as trainee leaders. It was great, up a mountain called High Rigg and was dubbed "a mountain in miniature". The two guides running it were very helpful, giving us hints and tips to make our own walks exciting and interesting. The volunteer coordinator was also there and we got chatting about blogging. She blogs on the LDNPA website and asked me if I'd be interested in doing from the viewpoint of a trainee. I'm sure I'd be able to hack it, I'll give it some thought as I don't know that I'll be going out that regularly to begin with! I still need to sort out dates for my first aid and navigation training, plus I'm sure that the educational walks are set to start soon, I'm still waiting to hear about training for those.

Next Friday a few of us are going down to Borrowdale to camp, a sort of end of school celebration. My friend Catherine is organising it, she said she has enough room in her car for my gear and the girls, which will be great as I'll be able to get there on the bus without lugging everything. Katie is thinking about it and my friend Bee is probably going too, it's going to be great! There'll be guitars and wine and happy children and caves to visit.

Then on Saturday and Sunday, I've been asked to go through to Workington to help run the red squirrel table at a biodiversity thing in the park. Face painting and a trail...I'm sure I can handle that!

In think I'm busier now that I'm finished working, lol! But at least I'm doing things that I like. :) I just need to get the house looking tidied as Simon is coming round for tea tomorrow. Good incentive!

Canadian Lass July 14, 2014

good luck!

~Twinkle~ July 14, 2014

:) xx

Deleted user July 15, 2014

This all sounds like really lovely stuff!

Etoile Filante July 18, 2014

Glad you're happy honey xXx

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