mmm...bran in Not-So-Hum-Dingers
- July 13, 2014, 1:50 a.m.
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Sezzie has suggested that I write an entry, and I think that's a mighty fine idea, so here we go!
We're well into another new month, and the summer seems to have peaked and now it feels like it's trending more toward autumn-ness. There were a few weeks where the work kitchen's thermometer would read 115°F pretty routinely. I'm usually working too hard to notice how hot it is, but my coworkers seem to feel it a lot more than I do.
I continue to do my best to be an awesome employee for the restaurant. I've come in the past few Mondays to all of the glasses being murkey/greasy, and the stainless steel pots and pans having black streaks or a coat of gross all over them, and the plastic containers and their lids being slick with greasiness, and even the walls surrounding my corner of the kitchen being visibly dirty, but thankfully my skillset has evolved in such a way that it only takes me about an hour to get everything back to its brilliant shimmer. I've even learned to not make a big scene out of it and I just calmly show Barb what the weekend kid(s) did/didn't do and go on with doing things correctly until all is back how it should be. I guess this is the kind of thing that comes with the territory of having been working there the longest out of all of the non-"higher-ups," and I'm glad to be mature and responsible about my work and I know Barb, Russ, and Laurie appreciate me, which is why they're okay with me taking a good chunk of time off every other year.
Fatherhood has continued to be the most rewarding of all of my responsibilities in this life of mine. I love having these little routines with Ashley, and being her dad is the coolest. She seems to be a year ahead in most of her milestones, and even if all of that catches up with her down the line she'll still be the most amazing young human I've ever known.
My life is fueled by store-brand Greek yogurt, store-brand instant coffee, the love of my family, and the desire to work as hard as I can. So far this feels like a pretty damn good recipe for me.
Writing entries is different these days, I don't have a whole lot to talk about because I'm so content, but I'm not going to bitch about that. I'll just keep on keepin' on with a smile on my shaved-by-myself-today face.
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