Ripped to Shreds in Diary
- July 10, 2014, 7:17 a.m.
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Well the inevitable happened. I knew Roxy would injure me one day and she did it last night in style. I was pulling her away from a dog but then noticed there was another dog in the direction we were going, so I had to quickly change direction again and try to run across the road. This got her all excited and, partway across the road, she suddenly ran in front of me, tripping me up and leaving me skidding along the road in starfish formation.
The owner of the other dog came running over, leaving his dog with his wife, shouting "Are you ok?" I just sobbed in reply "No..." I stood up and my two bracelets that Jay bought for me were in pieces on the ground, my ring was all bent and my favourite tights were ripped to shreds.
Onto my skin; ripped to shreds on my right knee, right elbow, left forearm, my chin and most of the knuckles on my fingers.
The man helped me up and took Roxy, walking me back to her house which was really nice of him.
Roxy's owners were horrified when they saw me go into their kitchen. They sat me down and plied me with Germoline, baby wipes and ice packs. They were really apologetic and said they would still pay for me for the full week even though I can't walk.
I then had to drive home and walked into the house covered in blood, dirt and tears and Jay just looked at me indifferently asking "What have you done?" I explained and asked if he could go to Asda to get me something to treat my wounds and he acted liked a petulant teenager, huffing and puffing about asking "Like what?? What do you want??" Jesus man, Asda is a five minute walk away, I'm so sorry to put you out, it's not like I've ever got out of bed to drive you home from the pub in the middle of the night or anything like that.
He went eventually. The wipes he got me stung like a mofo. It said on the packet "With soothing aloe vera." No way was that soothing, the wipes hurt more than the injury itself!
I slept badly last night and I'm in a lot of pain today. The plaster I had on my knee has soaked through as the wound is still oozing (nice) so I asked for a plaster out of the first aid box at work and it's got the word OUCH written across it in big red letters. WTF? It looks like this, on my knee.
Honestly, I can't believe how much pain I'm in just from the top layer of skin being scraped off. I've been thinking about how much it must hurt being flayed and being grateful I'm not experiencing that!
Here's a small selection of some of my injuries; they look a lot worse in real life, honest! I wonder how long it'll be before I get sick of explaining to people what happened, five people at work have asked me so far, lol.
Most of my knuckles on both hands pretty much look like this. You wouldn't believe how much you bend your knuckles, until you've got no skin on them, and then you realise! Also, goosebumps are really painful; the pain keeps causing goosebumps and that hurts even more, stupid body.
I was also very disappointed to miss roller derby last night. I was looking forward to it all day, and everyone on Facebook has since been going on about what a great session it was; it was fun, it was hard work, everyone did really well. I want to know what I missed :o(
I'm hoping my wounds will have healed sufficiently for me to put on my pads to go on Sunday as they're really tight against the skin.
I can't stay mad at Roxy though, she's too stupid to know what she's done and she was sorry afterwards, looking at me with sad eyes and trying to lick my wounds. I didn't let her; it was a nice gesture but dog saliva is riddled with bacteria.
Ah well I think I've been dramatic enough for one day, time to try and find something to do at work while the emails are down (it's affecting the whole of Europe apparently!), which is where most of our work comes from. I've not had any emails for four hours now, I might get on with my essay.
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