Not a big deal, but it is to me in My this and that

  • July 10, 2014, 1:33 a.m.
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Today I am thankful for wisdom. I've been praying for wisdom lately as we car shop, and I'm thankful for the wisdom God has granted.

This whole not having a car thing, and shopping for the right one, and deciding how much we can afford to spend... it feels like such a big deal. Like, what if we make the wrong decision? What if we choose a car that is too expensive? What if the car we choose turns out to be a lemon? What if what if what if. I feel like this has consumed my thoughts a lot.

It's not that we can't afford a car, we very much can in a comfortable way... but it means that we must wait longer to buy a house. Does this matter? I don't know. I'm VERY happy with our living situation at the moment, and don't even really want a house... but what if in two years I'm really annoyed with the living situation and angry that we put off getting a house to get the car we wanted instead?

But what if we do get a cheaper car... but it's crap. It breaks all the time and whatnot. I want my husband (who has a major passion for cars) to really like what he's driving, and be proud of it, and WANT to take good care of it.

And it all just seems like a big deal... like we have to pick the right one or something is going to fall apart...

But people do this all the time. People are constantly buying new cars like it's no big deal at all. So why does it feel like a big deal to me?

Weird how that works. I know in my head that in the end it will all work out, and on this particular decision there probably isn't a "right" answer or a "wrong" one. No matter what we decide, life will go on and we'll live with whatever decision we make, and it will be nice to have a set of wheels again.

I'm just praying for wisdom... because we are called to be GOOD stewards of our money, and I don't want to waste the money we are so blessed to have.

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