Lady of leisure Edit* in Hello.

  • July 8, 2014, 3:09 p.m.
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Edit* It appears that I have omitted to add a lot of my friends on here. It IS just an oversight, I don't get on here very much. If I haven't added you, please give me a friendly prod. If you've changed your name since being on OD, let me know who you were. Thanks!

It was my last day of work on Sunday. Since I handed in my notice, I've been looking forward to getting the house sorted and tidy before I settle down and start with my spinning and knitting. It's been great not having to think about when I'm next going to work. Sure, the money was nice, but we can manage. And I'm happier being a stay at home parent anyway now. This was instilled even further in me yesterday when Eleanor got one of her characteristic chesty coughs and I didn't need to think twice about keeping her off school. This is the first time I've been able to sit and plan where I can go in the Lakes and not have to worry about when. I can visit my parents, grandparents and in laws whenever I feel like it and not fit them in around a job. We can relax and enjoy planning our holiday without having to fret about when I'm going to have to be back at work. I've been back Home for three years at the end of this month, I'm finally going to get to enjoy it!

I've been doing bits and bobs, but the house is nowhere near as tidy as I want it to be. With John and I being ships that pass in the night, neither of us have really sorted out an itinerary of what needs doing and when. So the housework has piled up, the house is untidy and Rob is as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike, all he does is play on his X Box and every time I tell him to do something, he makes up an excuse or says no, which I'm getting sick of already and he only finished college last week.

John persuaded me not to kick Rob out in the end, as he got distinctions in all his college work and this has motivated him to apply for a university course to start next September. Somewhere in the north east, I think it's Newcastle. Wherever it is, it's only a couple of hours away. This isn't to say that I've forgiven him for what he did, but I feel like people don't think it's as big a deal as I do. Stealing money is wrong, whether it's £14 or £1400. I'll get it back from him, by hook or by crook. I've had £235 back off him so far.

Anyway, this entry wasn't supposed to be a downer! Tomorrow dad and I are going to shadow our first guided walk, so we can see what's involved without being hands on. The established guides know we're tagging along, so we'll be able to pick up a few hints and find out what to expect. Dad also found out that there is going to be a photographer on this walk to take publicity shots, so me being vain have done my eyebrows and I'm going to be colouring my hair in a minute. Yep, I'm vain.

And by some weird twist of fate, Rob is also going to be coming on this walk! He joined a volunteer group called Mosaic, and one of their missions is to inspire kids to get out into the countryside and have fun by getting older kids to do it with them. Even though dad randomly picked this organised walk because tomorrow is his day off and it's fairly close to our house (about 15 miles away), Mosaic have also decided they are tagging along with this one. So 9 kids aged about 18 or 19 are going to be coming along on this walk too and dad is giving a lift to two of them including Rob! Anyway, I'll leave it there because I need a bath. I made the silly mistake of smothering Eleanor in Vicks before I trimmed her hair, so it just seems to be stuck everywhere, including my face!

Deleted user July 08, 2014

Wow he really pulled it out of the bag, didn't he! If you visit him in Newcastle you must let me know and we can meet up for a cuppa x

Emmy Lou July 08, 2014

"Ashtray on a motorbike" made me chuckle! Not heard that one before :) Hope you and Rob manage to find some common ground xx

Babe In Toyland Emmy Lou ⋅ July 08, 2014

My old boss from Flimby used to say it. It made me laugh every time!

~Twinkle~ July 08, 2014

Hope Eleanor feels better soon xx

Bomb Shell July 08, 2014

It's good that you and Rob have found a compromise, I was just wondering what was going on with that on my drive home today. What does he want to study at university?

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ July 08, 2014

It's a continuation of his college course, public service. It's not so much a compromise, John talked me out of it really. I still can't bear to look at him and he just bickers with me about EVERYTHING. He really is driving me up the wall. Believe me, I'm counting down the days. He's really, really horrible to me constantly. No one else, just me.

Etoile Filante July 09, 2014

That's really great about his grades!xXx

puffin July 09, 2014

I feel like you are entirely justified being as angry as you were and are. Obviously i don't have kids of my own to entirely relate but i think I'd feel just as strongly as you.

Lucretia July 10, 2014

Like Carbonel says, if Rob ends up in Toon, gimme a shout if you're over this way.

It's good that Rob's sorted out his grades, but I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to deal with what he's done. I think John's right, kicking him out likely wouldn't do any good. Have you considered counselling for him perhaps? There must be a reason he's acting up, it's not a healthy mindset he's got :(

Also, lol at your 'vain' comment! Dying your hair and sorting your eyebrows is perfectly sensible. Vain would be a full face of evening make-up, pro hair, and a corset Xx

Babe In Toyland Lucretia ⋅ July 10, 2014

Lol! John and I were discussing me doing guided walks in a full set of tweeds with pearls and a felt hat, a la Beatrix Potter! While that would be cool to do historical educational walks,I fear it wouldn't be awfully practical...

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