Salty Cracker in Current Events
- March 23, 2023, 1:24 a.m.
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I hit my monthly boiling point with my roommate. My trigger was the black ring around the inside of the bathtub that she left for days. She soaked in the tub, clearly, but didn’t wash out the black dye that she puts on her scalp to hide her alopecia, clearly. Just no shame this time. It was disgusting. It barely took five minutes to clean up but of course, she left that for me. I wanted to have a relaxing detox bath but spent it trying to not get upset.
Then it all hits me at once. The same old same old. She was doing good, as in barely doing the minimum of taking care of herself, until she started being high 24/7 again. So I spent that day being domestic while she lays on the couch and waited for supper to magically be produced. Which it did.
I calculated how much the difference is with this new arrangement she stipulated in November and it is $850 that I paid more than her between groceries, essentials and the streaming services. She wanted to just pay the rent while I take care of everything else. It isn’t working so I will talk to her about it. She will be the victim of course. What gets me isn’t the money it is the fact that I do everything and provide everything. I almost blew up at her about it but she caught on and hid in her room.
She won’t understand why the grocery bill is so high because she has no reason to see the inflation. It’s about to get worse as our province increases the minimum wage. Speaking of bullshit. The digital ID starts dropping next month. We have six big banks giving notice and then cutting off people’s access to their accounts if they don’t sign up. We’re just inching closer to social credit. I can see that France is not having it over there. Here in Chinada, we reached herd stupidity. Actually, what we did was flood the country with foreign nationals who are government simps. They never sacrificed anything for these freedoms that they are handing over. Whatever, I don’t want to think about it. I’m just in a salty mood.
Anyway, I needed to rant before I head to bed.
KissOfLife! ⋅ March 23, 2023
Gotta love roomies. My new one runs the aircon when its the same temp outside and therefore the bills are huge. Like, umm, is he normal??
But yeah, black marks in the bathtub ain't nice. At least you have a tub - I'd love one!