Miss Rona has far coughed in Stuff

  • March 15, 2023, 8:59 a.m.
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I’m Covid-free! Yay! I took two different RAT brands to be sure, each coming up completely clear, so that’s good enough for me. The mask is off, I’ve told my housemate and I won’t be wearing it at work. This ‘immune’ thing better be true lol. I think I’m safe for, what, four weeks? Who knows. So much different information out there. The fucker’s probably mutated again already.
Anyway, that was not fun. I still feel “cloudy” as fuck. Like I’m drunk or something. It’s the weirdest feeling.
How I used the electric pallet-jack at work on Sunday is beyond me. I should have known better. Anyway, I’m alive, for now. I just hope this Tv-static feeling goes away in the next few weeks, like Google is telling me. Although that’s for mild cases. I don’t think me being in the UCU for 18 hours was a very mild case.

No bill from Ambulance NSW yet, but I’m still expecting one. I didn’t get paid personal leave for my day off last Thursday, you know, when I was still dying. Apparently dying isn’t a good enough excuse to use personal/sick leave. It was just put through as ‘Unpaid” - fuckers.

I tried to go to the gym this afternoon, but that was a waste of time. I managed to do one exercise, meekly, and gave up on it. I was just feeling too cloudy. I was okay this morning when I woke up. Google says to try and prioritize the important things to earlier in the day, while I have energy. That makes sense. Can’t really do that at work though. But I’ll be thankful to be breathing air rather than the mask-air constantly, now that I know there’s less chance of me killing a customer. At least that’s a sense of normality. But man oh man, this has been fucking with my mental health something crazy. It has not been good. This is why I need the cloudiness to fuck off so that I can gym again and help control the demons. I’m finding that really tough.

I’ve RSVP’d to Scott’s 40th this weekend. Now that I finish earlier on Saturdays, I can attend it. I just hope my brain is okay that day. Vish and James will be there, so I’ll know them. My housemate is having friends over that night too. They’ll probably still be going when I get home, but that’s okay since I still start later on Sundays.

It’s still way too hot. It’s meant to be Autumn, but Summer is being a lingering bitch this year, that’s for sure. We got a $160 thermal bill today. That’s for ONE month. Further proof that my housemate has the aircon on constantly. That’s well over $1000 a year just from running the aircon. It’s three times as much as it was this tine last year living with Dale. Lord help me. I get that it gets hot up on level 18, but dude, use the timer!

Anyway, I uploaded the nude beach pics from the day I went by myself. There was one that I accidentally got my bits in lol, but the photos were pretty ordinary after all, so I don’t know if I’ll bother uploading them.

And I’m seeing “Scream VI” on Monday with Brent, since it got postponed this week due to me being a diseased citizen. Will try again.

I watched “The Whale” yesterday. Man, that was pretty intense. I’m glad Brendan Fraser won Best Actor for it. I finished watching “The Last Of Us.” I thought that was pretty meh.

Fawkes Gal March 15, 2023

Glad you are no longer testing positive! Be sure to go easy on yourself though, your body will still need time to recuperate.

TL March 15, 2023 (edited March 15, 2023)


People who are supposed to be protected are still getting sick so they assume the virus has mutated instead of questioning the efficacy of their product. They haven't been changing the tests or the vaccines. This is because they hadn't successfully isolated the virus, to begin with. What they have is a genome sequence that was assembled by a computer from debris. They're pretty open about it.

Do you take any supplements? Magnesium speeds up the healing process. If we lose taste and smell then we depleted the body of zinc. Vitamin D, you probably get lots of it from the source. Vitamin C. You could try soaking in epsom salt and baking soda also. Sweat it out. Fasting would give the body time to heal and recycle broken proteins. Rest is crucial of course. The symptoms are trying to perform something, stopping them is going to make them come back harder. You're lucky if they do come back the same way. Otherwise, we broke a mechanism.

We just had a blizzard here, I'll trade weather with you.

Where are you uploading pictures? I would have been absolutely mortified if I accidentally posted one with my bits in it. I hope it wasn't a place with family on it, I'd die.

I've been watching Vikings and Your Honor. Wish the nice weather would hurry up so I could go play outside.

KissOfLife! TL ⋅ March 15, 2023

I never lost taste or smell, but I am intrigued by taking magnesium. At the hospital I needed that, potassium and sodium drips, plus a few others, as Miss Rona-bitch had depleted everything. Yes I love my D, vitamin and otherwise.
What's Vikings?

TL KissOfLife! ⋅ March 22, 2023

Vikings is a Netflix show about Vikings lol

kmh. March 16, 2023

Wow, so how can they get away giving you the day off because you had Covid, but not paying you for it? Can you not backdate it as a sick day or something?

KissOfLife! kmh. ⋅ March 16, 2023

I was sassy about it today at work, and it seems to have been recified - will find out next week!

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