February 28, 2023 in Pregnancy Weight Loss Journey
- Feb. 28, 2023, 11:47 p.m.
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Plain tortilla chips (way too many)
Small chicken quesadilla
3-ish servings of Mexican rice
1 homemade chocolate chip cookie
I knew that I was going out for lunch, so I saved all my calories for that. We went to a different Mexican place, and this place gives super small portions of quesadilla and huge portions of rice. I couldn’t believe how much rice there was on that plate. I knew after that I wasn’t going to be able to eat dinner. I wasn’t hungry anyways.
Hopefully I don’t forget to weigh-in before work tomorrow! I only have 12 hours to do so. I jumped on the scale before I crawled into bed, and I was exactly 12 pounds down from the first of the year. I am hoping that I’ll burn another pound in my sleep here. $600 is on the line here.
Wish me luck!!
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