Source(s) of Joy in My Musings

  • Feb. 6, 2023, 8:11 a.m.
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“What brings you joy?” It’s such a simple question, yet difficult to answer. It’s not so much as none, given the temptations of instant gratification that we take everything for granted as a result; rather, it is taking the time to examine one’s self so these are identified properly.

I was discussing this yesterday with Jen (refer to my post “Of Anchors and Gravity” 3 days ago), and I’ve come to the conclusion that limiting it to a single item would be a great injustice. Here’s the list I’ve come up with, which is by no means ranked by significance.

1. Quality time with people who matter the most: Whether spent in silence or otherwise, there’s nothing like being with the people we are most in-tune with.

2. Prayer OR listening to music while reading a book: Acts as both a reprieve to the day-to-day stressors of life, and a means to enrich the mind and soul.

3. Lying in bed with newly-replaced sheets: There’s just a comforting feeling associated with it - that of starting anew.

4. Taking a long, cold shower after a physically draining day: Just like the preceding item, there is a comforting feeling associated with it, but that of accomplishment and letting one’s worries being washed away.

Last updated February 06, 2023

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