Dinner in White in Magical Realism

  • July 1, 2014, 8:01 a.m.
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  • Public

Whatever week I left off - Thursday was our one day off from evening events after three straight nights out for Shakespeare in the Park Opening Night, the High Line benefit, and then the Google Glass event. I worked late, we got sushi, and went to sleep.

Friday I worked late again and went straight to (my best friend from college) A's fundraiser after work. Lots of food/drink and great to catch up with her. Weekend was very lazy. Cleaned the bathroom/kitchen and straightened up the house. Monday we didn't do much, I worked and (boyfriend) A and I went to yoga. This was with a different teacher than we usually go to - lots of chanting and talking. Not a fan. Tuesday I swam fifteen miles outdoors - even wearing my stupid mime zinc I got sunburned in several places where it rubbed off. Bah. Wednesday I was cranky, sore and had a very long day at work. I wanted to go to yoga to get the kinks out but couldn't get away during the day and then had an evening conference call so couldn't make any of the class times. Bah.

Last Thursday - worked, went out to JFK for Global Entry interview (program where you pay $100 and do a background check/interview to get expedited customs processing - it also gives you a known traveler number and TSA pre-check for domestic travel. You can also use the card as a regular government ID and for crossing to/from Mexico/Canada.) Met A at his work, the walked down to Artisanal for some wine and cheese puffs. After that we walked home and got another snack at Fatty Crab, then went to the grocery to buy salad/pre-grilled chicken for lunch the next day.

Friday - went to work, went to a terrific new treadmill interval running class at lunchtime. It was really great. I accidentally washed my hair with body wash instead of shampoo in the gym shower. Oops. Went to vinyasa yoga after work, that was nice too. Picked up groceries on the way home - fixings for burgers, chicken, pizza from scratch, and fruit/veggies. Got home and A called asking me to come meet him and some mutual friends at a bar in midtown. I kind of just wanted to have an early night but I got dressed up, rallied, and headed out. We hung out at Ivy Bar for a bit, then to late dinner at Izakaya Ten then a last drink at The Park. We didn't get home until 3am - so much for an early night.

Slept in Saturday morning and then headed to Tribeca for dentist appointments. After that we had breakfast at our local diner and Sophia from Orange is the New Black sat down right next to us. She came in wearing a big visor thing over her face, am sure she was getting mobbed on the street, so many crazy drunk people out for Pride. Very pretty in person, same wonderful melodic voice. After breakfast we headed up to Chelsea, I had a hair appointment and got a frozen yogurt, hopefully not cursed. A came and met me and we bought a few last-minute things (hats) for the pop-up outdoor white party we were heading to.

Got flowers, wine, and headed to my friend Missy's place right near Prospect Park. My best friend A (as opposed to boyfriend A) met us there, and we started getting everything set up. A and I brought flowers, loads of bubbly, and candles, Missy brought a tablecloth and a huge amount of amazing food, and A brought wine, plates, glasses, utensils. Group effort!

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We had crostini with this ricotta/lemon/honey spread, wurst, and proscuitto, watermelon salad with parmesan, and this ridiculous orzo with feta that was sooo delicious. She even made strawberry shortcake with whipped cream for dessert!

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Then, there was a concert with Ben Folds (so weird) and then a deejay (pretty good.) We danced on chairs but not the table because A was convinced they would collapse and we would all fall into a mud pit. We went to Missy's house and hung out a bit with her dog (her place is incredible - she is renting from a family friend and got an incredibly sweet deal. Sadly the woman who owned the apartment just died a few days ago and she will probably have to move out because she owned the whole (gorgeous brownstone building one block from park) and the family members will probably sell it and divide up the money. I was surprised to learn the whole building would only be 3 million...kind of tempting!) We went to a bar, this one I think, and then she used Uber to get us a taxi. We got home at like 6am and crashed...ugh.

Slept in most of Sunday, made hamburgers wrapped in lettuce leaves with green apple slices. I needed to bake some chicken for lunches so I just did the hamburgers in the oven too, they came out well. Maybe not as good as the grill, but I was using the oven anyway. We watched some online television and went to sleep.

Yesterday (Monday) was a wash. I worked from home and got a decent amount done, but then, A came home and went to post office/did laundry while I lazed around. (You go, A.) I anticipate being a similar waste of space today.

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