F**king annoying. I hate lawyers in My life
- Jan. 12, 2023, 5:41 a.m.
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- Public
Got a debt collection letter from $2,172. I totally thought I sorted this out 2 years ago. Driver hit me. I got taken into the emergency room. Insurance company was supposed to pay my bill. I went through various fights with abso-fucking-lutely clueless parents who fucking insisted for a whole 1.5 year that I stuck with that stupid lawyer even though my better judgment said something else. Now I’m stuck with a left-over bill. It’s stupid. Stupid. Little things and forgetfulness here and there caused this bill to fall through the crack. AND WHY DIDN’T THEY TALK TO MY LAWYER INSTEAD OF ME ANYWAY????
If I end up paying this $2,172 bill, it will remind me again and again TO QUESTION EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING MY PARENTS SAID. My self-esteem is just so near non-existence that it’s hard for me to resist their influence. BUT RESIST I MUST.
I’m tired of all these.
Counting Down until Graduation: 122 days
Alright, back to trying to work again.
I’ve been too relaxed. Why kind of a person do I want to be? I want to be successful, respected, and admired. There I said it. I might as well just say it bluntly. This is my anonymous journal after all. I want to help people and such too, but that seems to take the backseat to just my desire to be successful.
9:59 AM. From now until 12 PM, I want 2 hours of working.
I’m quiet-quitting law school. This is such a magical concept.
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