I love my life so I don't need to be beautiful in My this and that

  • June 27, 2014, 4:43 p.m.
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Today I am thankful that the sun is out and it's warm. Hot would actually be a better word, and it's SO muggy out, I think it will rain soon.

Ben and I are heading to my ten year high school reunion. I'm fighting the feeling that I have to look perfect. Even now I think I should have had my hair cut and highlighted, and if only I could have dropped a couple more pounds.

Lets be realistic. No one there is going to care what I look like. Probably no one will even notice; I mean, no one much noticed me in high school besides my tiny circle of friends... and they think I'm beautiful anyway.

It's such a weird thing that we do to ourselves. I don't know if it's just women who think this way... who feel the need to impress and have others look at us and think "wow that girl obviously has her life together" or "that girl looks so good" or whatever... I don't even know if that's what is going through my head... all I know is that all week I've been debating what clothes I should wear that will make me look my very best. eye roll

I'm hoping next week we can meet with our financial advisor to discuss what kind of budget would be wise for buying a car. We want to continue to put significant funds into savings for our house, as well as buy a car... so I wonder what that will look like.

I can't wait to get a new vehicle so we can start fostering kitties from the humane society again. I think Jake would really like the company. Jake rocks.

I haven't been sleeping super excellent lately. A lot on my mind I think. Hopefully tonight is better.

FYI: Thank you for all your dear notes on my last post about lung transplants. It was a "someday you might maybe need a transplant" not a for sure thing. I appreciate your concern, but I am pretty positive I'll be okay. It's just something I think about sometime :P

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