Peace... in Help Me Please
Revised: 12/29/2022 2:17 p.m.
- Dec. 29, 2022, 8 a.m.
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I have decided that this landlady is very irresponsible because she says she is going to do something and then just waits weeks or even months and there are times where she has waited years and there are something she won’t fix. And the reason is or seems to be my behavior which really has nothing to do with fixing things. Or she has even said it’s because I was the one who created the problem. And that has nothing to do with the maintance with this place. A perfect example is this hard wood floor. The wax that was on top of it has mostly woren away and needs to be done again but she told me she isn’t going to do it because I didn’t look after the fllor to start and I used water, lots of water to wash the floor. But this is what happenes when you don’t tell people how to wash or do something if they have never had it or used it before. How are they suppose to know what to do? And without a lease there is nothing that says you can’t do this or that so how am I suppose to know? And years later she says “Oh you can’t do this or that”. Well that is kinda of too late idiot…
And she seems to alwasy travel alone and never tell anyone where she is going or for how long and that can get worriesome because if something happens there really is no way to get help or advice of what to do. yeah she has a cell phone but those are not always depndable and they can get lost. And what if someone robs her home or there is a fire or something gets stolen then what? I can phone her but then I usually have to wait days or weeks for her to answer and that can be really dangerous. But then she is a thoughtless person who is not very responsible or caring. it would have been nice to know when she left instead of me finding out when I went to check the mail because then I could have asked what to do with her mail or packages or whatever and if there was anything thing else she wanted me to do. But what ever…
But the funny thing is that since she has been gone she hasn’t even e-mailed me to ask me how things are and to wish us all a happy holiday. But then I didn’t either but then this isn’t my house so why should I care if something isn’t working right? And since she has been gone I have been sleeping much better but I do get tired when hubby comes home but then that is okay. And I have been less stressed and less mad and a much happier person. All because I have total control
Speaking of control this is something that I find really true and often smile when I read it....
grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Onto something else…
Well I was going to go out today but I decided that I really don’t have to so I will wait till hubby is on his holidays and then we can take a trip.
And I am thinking for New Years Dinner I am thinking Turkey drumsticks then we will have our turkey for the holidays. I am not sure if we have any bixed stuffing but then that really doesn’t matter because there are other options we can have. Like mashed potatoes or rice or noodles.
Onto something else…
Today I need to change two beds and do some laundry and of course do the ususal domestic stuff I do. And then dinner will be chicken.
Onto something else…
I need to stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe and Behave.
Last updated December 29, 2022
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