June 27, 2014 in 750 Words

  • June 27, 2014, 9:15 a.m.
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So sleepy. I didn't go with my rules last night and I'm paying for it today. I'm trying to get in and out of bed with my natural rhythm and it's just... interesting. Trying to get off the electronics about 9:00 or so and last night... yeaaaah, I was playing DS in my bed at 10:30, which means my body didn't get a chance to totally relax, well, my mind relax, till after 11:00, and I woke up late this morning. Late enough that Court had to come up and wake me up. x.x I can tell the difference, feel the difference this morning. I'm sluggish, my mind is sluggish and I can hardly keep my eyes open. Gaaah, I hate this feeling. So I'm going to have to buy an energy drink for work tonight.

Thank god it's Friday. I don't know what I'm going to do this weekend, but I know that I'm happy it's Friday today. I did nothing yesterday, absolutely nothing. Well, I did spend three and a half hours or so in Farebox but that's about it. I spent the day reading stuff on the net. So today I'm going to do all the stuff I didn't do yesterday; a couple AR checks, some Vanpool checks, a trip to the bank to cash the Petty Cash check, and stuffing the AP checks into envelopes. -chuckles- It sounds like a lot of stuff but honestly, I'll have it all finished in less than a third of the day. So I'm going to do my best to figure out how to stretch it out a little more.

Tonight I'm going to work on maile... and this weekend it's baby cleaning time. I washed Violet and Abby last night, gave them a good scrub and cleaned their cages. Tonight It'll probably be Sophia and Olivia's cage, as well as Macci and who knows who else. -chuckles- This weekend's just kind of meh for me. I might work on maile, which is going to be awesome. Lots of maile, lots of awesome.

I got new games last night on my 3DS.. got Crimson Shroud, which is an awesome kind of throwback to Tabletop gaming. You do a lot of reading, and some dice throwing and it's just so fun. I think I miss tabletop gaming a lot more than what I thought.

Speaking of tabletop gaming, I was also thinking about joining rpgcrossing, which is a site where you can do Play by Message Board tabletop gaming. I really want to join those, but I don't think I'm going to -- I'm bad when it comes to sticking to something for long periods of time. I'm trying to change that by not only writing here daily, but to get into the habit of writing daily. Specially since NaNoWriMo is next month. I'm really excited about that.

-stretches- Sooo tired and don't have much to really talk about. I'm going to try to find something to do. I need to work on my dragon, Norman's still only mostly finished. Sooo close to finishing it. I'm working on a new dragon, in order to get it ready to sale. I have to make a black and purple dragon by Lakefair and I'm sure that I can do it. It's a lot of fun, except I need to figure out how to finish the body. The body of the dragon is a European 4-on-1 weave with a half-Persian 3 on 1 on each side of the weave. I got the European 4 on 1 finished yesterday, but when I was trying to put the Half-Persian on the sides of it, I couldn't figure out how the hell to add the next step to the body. I spent a good half hour, forty five minutes figuring it out. And I remember that it was really damned easy last time, just a case of popping the rings in there and going "tada!" oh, I also have to change out Norman's eyes. The lavender colored eyes are nice and all but they don't stand out nearly enough.. I'm going to change them for Ruby colored eyes. Which'll stand out a lot better. I'm going to definitely use the lavender ones for the second dragon, since his scales are going to be Purple. One of my regulars, who shows up at a lot of the shows that I've done asked for it. Oh shit, no, she didn't want purple, she wanted Orange. She mentioned purple at first and then changed it to orange.

Thank god I remembered that!

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