Why in And here we go.

  • Dec. 4, 2022, 9:50 p.m.
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Stuck between my own regretful insecurities and wondering if it’s even worth achieving every happy thing in life.

ساری خوشیاں مل جاون تے پچھے کی رہ جانا

Somewhere in between here and heaven
Somewhere in between where and why
Somewhere in another dimension
I can hear you asking me why

Was I supposed to save you all? did I even save any one of you? Was I a trial in your life or were you a trial in mine? So many of you.

In pursuit of perfect silence and solitude, I forgot time still passed, nothing will ever be the same, the time has passed, the regrets will only mount.

How did I end up in 2009 after all this struggle?

Never thought I’d hate waking up so much again. This bitterness is extremely corrosive and drowning me in this black bottomless well of depression.

Down I go, into the darkness, until I can’t see no more. Until I can’t breathe no more.

Last updated December 04, 2022

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