Survey stolen for Midorinokaeru, as usual. in Each Day
- Dec. 1, 2022, 5:43 p.m.
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What are you listening to right now?
Some YouTube Dark Electronic mix with isochronic tones at a specific Hz… I want the blanket of noise that is music but can’t write when words are being spoken into my brain.
What song(s) make(s) you sad?
I cry every single time I hear Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men, but I don’t think it’s sadness, but beauty.
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd makes me think of my dad. So does AFI’s Miss Murder.
Wish you were Here by Catherine Wheel makes me think of The One.
(The songs that remind me of M don’t make me sad, for the record)
What is the most annoying song in the world?
That motherfucking Kars For Kids commercial. And the asshole who thought using “the song that never ends” in a recent commercial was a good idea needs to die in a fire.
Your all time favorite band?
Impossible. It’s entirely mood dependent and also dependent on whether or not my brain wants to admit we’ve ever heard a band in our lives. Currently, I Have Never Heard Of A Band In My Life. #justADHDthings
Your newly discovered band is?
Phantogram. Holy shit I could listen to them every day forever, I think. (still, not my favourite).
Best female voice?
Ann Wilson (from Heart). Tied with Stevie Nicks. And Tori Amos and Kate Bush are behind by a fraction. And sure Taylor Swift.
Best male voice?
Meatloaf. M, I could listen to him sing forever.
Music type you find yourself listening to most?
Women Singer Songwriters with synths, is the most succinct way to describe it.
What do you listen to, to hype you up?
It works the other way for me. I stumble across the song and get hyped, I don’t have a song that does that consistently.
What do you listen to when you want to calm down?
Lofi Girl.
Last gig/concert you went to?
Mother Mother/Arkells. Such a good fucking show.
Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?
I can, have, and will listen to Taylor Swift on repeat for a week (or more) straight. How long I listen on repeat is a mental health barometer in the same way cutting your own bangs is a cry for help. (haha)
Most hated band?
Cannibal Corpse
Song that makes you think?
This is a Lie by The Cure.
Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?
Coolest music video?
I grew up on Much Music. I spent HOURS watching music videos in the 90’s. I can’t remember a single music video right now.
Music video with the most babe watch?
What does this sentence even mean?
What do you play/would you play in the bedroom to spice things up?
CPI - No One’s Around There’s No Need to Fake it. A mix of sexy downtempo for the elder millennial/young GenX
Can you play a musical instrument?
Not currently, though I took lessons for piano and chanter (the precursor to learning bagpipes). I’d rather sing. I did “play” the tenor drum in a pipe band… but that was more for show than beat.
Ever been in a mosh pit?
Yes. 0/10 Do Not Recommend.
Are you in a band?
Ever dated a musician?
Ugh, so many times. My first boyfriend was an aspiring guitarist and later played gigs in our home town. My ex was a drummer in a metal band. M used to have a group he jammed with, they even played a gig. But they had a hiatus and in that time one of the guys died, and they never got together again.
Do you wish that you were a musician?
No. I’d much rather sing.
Best chick band you know of?
Fucking BRING IT.
- Breeders
- Veruca Salt
- Heart
- Eurythmics
- Kate Bush
- Tori Amos
- Joan Jett and the Heartbreakers
- Portishead
- Dragonette
- Elastica
- Bjork
- Billie Eilish
- Siouxie and the Banshees
First song you remember hearing?
I definitely don’t know what song I heard first, but I do remember the first music I purchased for myself. I was 7 years old, we were in Florida, and I bought a Wilson Phillips cassette.
Last song that you heard on the radio/CD…etc…?
I don’t listen to the radio, I don’t have a CD player. Literallly the last song I listened to on any medium was CPI, which I hit play on after I stole the URL to paste into this survey.
What do you think of Classical music?
I really love it when modern musicians include orchestras in their songs… but aside from that… meh? I have some favourites, I see the appeal, but it’s not something I seek out.
What do you think of Country music?
blech, no thank you.
What do you think of Death metal?
I was forced to give this a fair shake, since the ex was in a metal band… No thanks.
Last BIG band that you saw live?
Red Hot Chilli Peppers at the SkyDome in 2012.
Are you a groupie?
Who the fuck has time for that shit.
Do you listen to music in foreign languages?
not usually, though I preferred Tatu in Russian and Rammstein in German.
What famous musician would you like to “spend the night” with?
David Bowie or Joan Jett
Worst concert moment?
A Perfect Circle, The Warehouse (or whatever it was called by that point) in Toronto, whatever fucking year that would be… the crowd was beyond annoying, to the point where I full on smashed my elbow into some guys chest to get him to back off.
We left the concert early. I have never left a concert early.
Funny concert moment?
Hawksley Workman, the Winspear Centre, Edmonton. They had the audience miked as CBC was recording the concert for radio. Hawksley made a quip to the audience and I was the only one who cheered, and he was like, “yes, that one person in the balcony agrees”. One of my favourite moments at a concert :)
Sad concert moment?
I don’t think I’ve had a sad moment at a concert…
Best local act you can think of?
Corey Isenor performed with my friend one time and he was FANTASTIC.
If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
Bagpipes… not everyone’s cup of tea but the people who love them really love them.
Do you listen to the radio?
Only Accuradio(.com)
Do you watch music TV?
Not anymore
Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?
Never have. Never will.
Have you met any famous musicians?
I met Beck at the Art Gallery of Ontario (I honestly thought he was a homeless guy until one of my friends was like OMG THAT’S BECK). I met Hawksley Workman at a folk festival. I met Glass Tiger at a concert in Manitoba. OH! And I met Fred Penner in MB too, he was the emcee at a thing my pipe band was at.
Are any of your friends/family/etc. musicians?
A guy I went to high school with is good enough that he does tours (small gigs, stays in people’s homes, but tours nonetheless). He’s the one who played with Corey Isenor.
Song that best describes your feelings right now?
Song that describes your life?
Not quite, but the story feels very familiar to M and I’s story (jesus, grammar). Grew up in the same town, moved to the same next town, never knew each other then. Mother’s worked together for 30+ years, he remembers my mom being pregnant with me when his parents brought him to our house when he was a kid. We happened to meet each other through them, 24 years later, after both of their husbands died. There’s so many more details to our story that are uncanny like this.
Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?
Hahah are you kidding me. I’ve listened to HUNDREDS of bands. I barely know the names of the members of the bands that I listen to all the time.
Does a musician’s physical attractiveness play a role in the music that you listen to?
Absofuckingloutely NOT.
What famous musician do you want to marry?
Robert Smith will always have my heart. I’ve been in love with Joan Jett since I was 15 and saw this incredible picture of her and just about died right there. I wish I could find it. The internet doesn’t have everything, I guess.
Favorite movie sound track?
Nightmare Before Christmas, by virtue that most of the soundtracks I listen to are from Broadway.
Any musician pet hates?
There’s nothing less interesting than the ego of a front man.
What do your parents listen to?
We used to make fun of Dad for listening to Cher. The song Duke of Earl will probably always remind me of him. Also Meatloaf (who he played in a version of Rocky Horror Picture Show) and Phil Collins.
I remember mom listening to Gloria Estefan (and the miami sound machine?), and also Paul Simon’s Graceland for hopefully obvious reasons (homesick).
What are you listening to right NOW?
Do you wear band T-shirts?
Not anymore… once my boobs got to a certain size band shirts don’t fit me well.
Do you cook to music?
Sometimes. Depends on if M and I are cooking together.
Do you sing on the toilet?
No, but in the shower, yes.
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