NJM 27 - No Thank You in Each Day

  • Nov. 28, 2022, 5:45 p.m.
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I would do anything for love, but I won’t do… what?

Do you ever feel like you don’t know what your boundaries are until they’re tested? I know I have compromised myself on hundreds of occasions when my friend/family member/partner demanded something be done their way. While in certain ways I know exactly what I’m capable of, there are so many untested hypotheses, how are we ever to know?

There are things we refer to as the “struck by lightening” scenarios, things that would be deal breakers because being struck by lightening is the only way we’d change our minds on these things. Things like having children, or suddenly becoming evangelical in our beliefs, or latching onto the bullshit of modern life, like conspiracy theories or hate groups.

The thing about an enduring marriage is that nothing is off the table, everything is a conversation. I’ve yet to have a conversation with M that we haven’t been able to talk through. Doesn’t mean we always agree, but we do our best to understand each other’s perspective. And testing and pushing boundaries with someone you love and trust can be an incredible experience.

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