"Localized" goals-- 169 days counting down in My life

  • Nov. 26, 2022, 8:29 a.m.
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Wow, now I feel like law school would be over before I know it.

I still hate it, though. Gross. Do not go to law school unless you are passionate about the law and being a lawyer, people. Don’t make my mistake. Don’t go in knowing nothing except that it’s a profession of “prestige” and you honestly don’t know what else to do. Actually, this has worked for some people, but for those whom it doesn’t work for, THINGS SUCK!!! I DON’T EVEN HAVE ANY LAW SCHOOL DEBTS!!! I was spared the worst part, but the rest is still so so bad.

Okay, can I just start working sooner after I woke up? Nah. Gotta get my procrastination dose for the day.

Today, I want to complete my 35,000 words in 8 hours. Yes. It would be nice if I finish by like 4 PM. And then I can work on that Miranda memo.

33,000 words. I want to just be done. I don’t know. Maybe I should just focus on one thing at a time?
29,000 words. I think I could switch to working on my memo a bit.

I don’t know if I should be doing outlining? Should I rather just read through everything, write and quick and dirty summary and rely on Quimbee for the take home exams? Or maybe I should do both Quimbee and outlining at the same time.

26,000 words left. I’m really just getting tired. But I don’t want to give up. If I don’t do it now. I’ll do right right before final exam anyway. Might as well do it now. I can’t give up now.

25,000 words left. I’m getting lost and slow. Don’t like this at all.
20,000 words left. How did I do that?

6PM now.

7:47 PM. 13,000 words left. Huh that wasn’t too bad.
I wish I was working at this rate during my first two years of law school.

8:16 PM. 10,000 words left. 1.5 hours more?

10 PM. 8,000 words left, because I was distracted by stuff. BUT the end is in sight at least.

11:39 PM 2,000 words left. I’m gonna throw in the towel and take a break now. Maybe, since I have two days of the weekend left, I could work on the memo during one and the paper during the other?

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