So Here We Go Again... in The Past

  • June 22, 2014, 10:38 p.m.
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Just a really quick beginning before I get into the entry. My name’s Chris, I’m almost 29 year old (suddenly those few months till my birthday matter). I’ve had a journal off and on since I was 13 or so. With the shutting down of Open Diary, it’s been more off than on. But I find that I go crazy if I don’t have a way to express myself and to create. I tried a diary on Livejournal but I really hate that place for some reason, I don’t know why, but I always have. So here I am.

This weekend was Pride for my city. I had a booth in the festival to sell my chainmaile jewelry and I actually did really, really well. The booth fee was 100.00 and I walked out with almost 500.00 in two days. If I could be guaranteed that I do that well with every show, I’d quick my job and do that every weekend. Well, no, I wouldn’t. It’d get tiring quickly, and turn the chainmaile from joy to work. And I really don’t want that. Right now my chainmaile is a nice distraction and a way to make a little money on the side. Next show is Lakefaire and I have to get some stuff made, like, uber badly. Dragons. That’s next on my list. Making Dragons. I was told today that in order to make dragons, I have to get really, really high. I told the person that’s how you chase dragons, not how you make them.

Tomorrow I go back to work. It’s AP week, which means I won’t have much to do in the morning, but I’ll be busy in the afternoon. I love my job, and I love the people. It’s kind of nice to know what I’m doing any given day.

Need more water. It’s so warm today… a whole 80. I think I’m dehydrated. -chuckles- I only had two bottles of water and a bottle of gatorade… okay… and a cup of tea and a cup of lavender-mint lemonade. So I had plenty of fluids, just not enough water… not when I’m sweaty and hot and there’s a bottle of ice cold water right outside in the cooler.

Next month is CampNaNoWriMo… where I go and write a novel in the thirty-one days of July. I got the Where, When, Who, Why, but not the What… I mean, who has the Why part of why something happens, but not the What? Blah. I’m hoping it’ll come to me sooner or later.

Pizza’s here, I’m getting my bottle of water, hopping onto my good computer, and listening to Tamora Pierce’s Trickster’s Choice and relaxing.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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