Chapter 6, Nora in Good Neighbors

  • Jan. 7, 2023, 11:25 p.m.
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Nora ran down the stairs to the front door as soon as she heard the doorbell. She knew exactly who would be on the other side of the door. Her heart rate sped up in anticipation. She flung the door open and a wide grin spread across her face.

“Hey, babe,” said Sean as he crossed the threshold and into Nora’s home.

“Heeeyyy,” Nora cooed in a long sexy drawl. “I’ve been looking forward to our little rendezvous.”

“You and me, both.”

The secret lovers wasted no time getting undressed and giving in to their lust on the living room couch. The same couch that Nora shared with her husband for many years. The couch their kids had sat on as well as numerous other relatives and friends.

Nearly an hour later, they both redressed and headed into the kitchen where Nora poured them each a glass of iced tea. Anything stronger wouldn’t be ideal for when Sean hit the road and she busied herself with things she needed to get done. Nora felt rejuvenated and at peace. She knew she should feel guilty, but she didn’t. Then she noticed the forlorn expression on Shawn’s face. “What’s up?”

“I just wish it didn’t have to be like this.”

Nora knew what “like this” meant. Sean was alone, so it would be easy for him to move on in any kind of relationship. But she had been married for 25 years, and she wasn’t about to throw that away. Just because the fireworks had fizzled out between her and Barry didn’t mean that she still didn’t love the guy. That didn’t erase the history they had together either.

“Every time we’re together, you seem to really enjoy yourself. So if you’re just as into me as I am into you, why stay with Barry?”

Nora was getting frustrated. He was pressuring her more and more lately and she was getting sick of it. “Look, Sean, we both agreed up front that this was just for casual fun to spice things up a bit. We need to stick to our agreement or perhaps pull back from each other for a while because I told you I have no intentions of leaving Barry and I meant it.”

“That’s all I am to you is just casual fun?” Sean asked incredulously.

Nora stopped and studied Sean for a moment before saying, “Why are you acting all surprised and as if we never discussed and agreed to these conditions up front?”

“I know what you’re saying, Nora, but things have changed.”

“But it’s only you that they’ve changed for. You may be fun in bed, but I still stand by my man.”

“The man that hasn’t turned you on in God knows how long?”

“Yes, that man.”

“But why? Why would you want to live like that?”

“I told you why Sean. This is the man I spent the last quarter of a century with and had children with and who I have so much history with. You don’t just throw that away. Now, I’m done explaining myself and going over this with you time and time again. If it’s going to be a problem for you, then we really need to call things off.”

“Oh, I don’t want you to throw anything away or call things off. Of course, Barry would still be in your life. But if you move in with me, you’ll have it all.”

Nora put her hands on her hips, frustration growing. “No one has it all. But I have enough. More than I need.”

“Well, I don’t want to be your casual fling anymore. You’re dirty, little secret. I want to be yours full-time and not be afraid to go places together in public.”

Nora had had enough. “Look, Sean, I think it’s time for you to go. We’re not getting anywhere discussing this.”

“Damn woman, I feel like I’m your boyfriend who climbed up to your bedroom window, and you gotta hurry up and stuff me in the closet so your parents don’t find out.”

“Ah, but you’re a big boy, Sean. You can walk yourself right out of the front door all by yourself.” 

But Sean was determined to remain stubborn. “Come on, Nora. Can’t you see how good we are together?”

Now Nora’s frustration was turning to anger. “Damnit, Sean, I’m getting tired of defending myself and the reasons why I think we need to take a break. Just get out of here before I lose my temper.”

Sean snorted with disgust and looked at Nora incredibly, “Your temper? You think you’ve got a temper lady? Like I’m the one who needs to be scared?”

Nora kept a hard gaze fixed on Sean. She wasn’t scared, and she wasn’t going to back down. If the guy wouldn’t leave, she would throw him out. She couldn’t exactly call the police anyway. If Barry got wind of the police being at the house, it’s only natural that he would want to know why. She needed to handle Sean on her own. But before she could do anything, Sean reacted by tossing his cup of half-drunk iced tea on the floor. The cup was plastic, so there wasn’t glass all over the floor. But that was all it took to push Nora over the edge.

Nora shoved him toward the front door and Sean shoved back, almost knocking her off her feet. The two of them engaged in a fierce shoving match. Nora was just beginning to think she’d need to call the police after all, assuming she survived to do it when Sean slipped on the ice on the floor and smacked his head on the side of the kitchen island on the way down.

Nora was utterly horrified. She stared at Sean who lay still on the floor, unable to bring herself to move.

After what seemed like an eternity, she finally began to whimper and murmur over and over again out loud, “How am I going to move the body and where am I going to hide it? How? How? How? Just how?”
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Last updated February 12, 2023

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