Food in Help Me Please
Revised: 10/22/2022 10:43 p.m.
- Oct. 22, 2022, 4 p.m.
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Have you ever noticed that everyday all we do is think about food? What we will eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and even snacks. And then after we eat we either feel content or too full and want to lie down. But what if you don’t eat all these meals when it’s time? What do you call them? Well between Breakfast and lunch it’s called Brunch and between lunch and dinner it’s either called “linner or “lupper”
I find that I can eat at the most two meals a day and sometimes just one or otherise I feel too full by the time the next meal comes like lunch so I ususally don’t eat lunch. I think my issues with food is portion control but I am trying to do better with that and I am finding that I hardley every eat all my carbs except maybe potartoes.
Here is a question for you? What happens to you if you wait too long to eat? Do you get headaches? Or do you get irritable? I get headaches.
I often wish food wasn’t all that important because then we wouldn’t have to stop and eat we could just continue what we are doing till we are done. And maybe more work would get done?
Onto something else…
I heard that Trump is in even more trouble and maybe they will actally find some thing that will convict him and make his life more miserable then just a threat?
But this is what I found so far that is something he has to comply with.
It looks like trump will be facing one thing or another for a few years this is what I have found....
What I would like to see is that Trump gets proven wrong that he is not above the law and that he has to follow the law just like everyone else. I wonder what would happen if you or I ever did anything that trump did? I bet we would be in jail serving our time and never getting out. Is trump really that special that he can do no wrong? let’s just hope his layers are just as crooked as he is and then that will be really funny seeing them go to jail at the same time....
Here is a question? Knowing what you know about trump and if you voted for him would you vote for him again knowing what you know? I think if he does run he won’t get in and maybe another republican will run and then people can pick the lesser of the two evils? There has to be a republican that will do a better job then Trump ever did and cares somewhat for the people?
Onto something else....
Well, I need to stop here…
Do have a great day....
Be Kind, Be calm, Be Safe and Behave.
Last updated October 22, 2022
fjäril ⋅ October 23, 2022 (edited October 23, 2022)
depends on how long it has been in between meals, I definitely feel my blood sugar at one point just drop off. I get really tired and a bit crabby, but I just want a little snack, but not something overly sweet or savory either.
Jodie fjäril ⋅ October 23, 2022
What is your go to snack? Mine is fruit.
fjäril Jodie ⋅ October 23, 2022
depends on the day, sometimes fruit snacks, sometimes crackers, sometimes a mix of both
theKat ⋅ October 23, 2022
never would vote for the orange traitor
theKat ⋅ October 23, 2022
ps when did your brother get into real estate? with that many condos has would have to have a full staff to collect money, do repairs, to rent after someone moves and check credit scores and rent records... he is a busy man!
Jodie theKat ⋅ October 23, 2022
Well he does work in the relestate sector and he also works for his life long partner who owns a marketing company so everything they buy they have some that are rented and that is my brothers part of the business and he also buys and sells art so he does have a full staff who get paid very well.