Free music in the streets in keeping it postive

  • June 21, 2014, 2:54 a.m.
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  • Public

In at least a dozen areas of the city, there will be free music today. Each area is for a different type of instrument - from gongs, harps, french horns, to harmonicas, humming, etc. Because there are so many events planned, there is a LOT of overlap - various concerts stating at the same time in different areas.

I plan on going downtown first - for a concert at noon, then working my way uptown... another at 2, and the last at 4. I hope there'll be enough time to travel from one to another. The last concert I'll go to is within walking distance of where I live (plus there's a huge supermarket nearby, so I can take care of that also).

vivement June 21, 2014

That sounds absolutely wonderful, I'm jealous!

Darcy0207 from OD vivement ⋅ June 21, 2014

I like to go to Broadway matinees on Saturday, but this is free! And it's such a NYC experience.

vivement Darcy0207 from OD ⋅ June 21, 2014

Absolutely, I'd be all over that, too.

Deleted user June 21, 2014

sounds great!

woman in the moon June 21, 2014

1300 concerts! Wow. Wonderful way to spend the longest day of the year. Interesting web site.

Tell us what kind of music you heard/saw. Please.

Ragdolls June 21, 2014

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