What Did I Win? in The Kid Used To Dream
- Oct. 18, 2022, 6 a.m.
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Last night I had the most vivid dream. I was at a conference type meeting. My wife and youngest was in the room of the hotel where the conference was held. I was in a meeting with a apparently a famous keynote speaker. The known hype around this speaker was that he was always looking to propel someone into a bigger opportunity just by a first impression encounter. The idea was - if you impressed him and he asked if you wanted to go ride on his private jet it meant you were picked.
The meeting was going great and the room was packed. He was speaking but I don’t remember what it was about. I don’t remember what transpired for him to ask me a question but he did and I made a joke, as is my nature. The audience laughed and he had an interesting look. He pulled me from the audience and asked if comedy was a dream of mine. I answered that it was but didn’t know where to start. He says, “start right here - give us 5 minutes.”
I looked at that great big old audience and said, “where do I start?”
“I was not prepared for this - sort of like my first day of preschool. I showed up and realized I was the weird kid with long curly hair. My mama was a hippie what can I say? I was quite sure this was what prison was like but what did I know I was only 5. I remember they took all of us kids to the restroom after lunch. Lined us up in a single file line according to gender …and marched us into these piss ridden smelly bathrooms that didn’t mix well with the cleaner. There I was standing up against the wall waiting my turn. My teacher leans down and says my name and tells me to hurry up and go. That’s when I informed her I didn’t sit down to pee…” WHAT!?” she said loudly. “I don’t sit down and what happened to their dilly wobbles?” She clamped her hands down on my face so hard the world blacked out for a second..
In my dream, this joke is going over well and people are laughing. The keynote speaker has this weird look on his face and he says, “wanna go ride on my jet?” The crowd went nuts. I said sure!
His team took me away rather fast. I left the conference immediately and went my limo to the Airport. Apparently, one of the requirements was to fly with him back to New York in order to be groomed for your catapult into your dream career. I was getting off the airplane in NYC when I was first able to call my wife. I had my wife’s phone and she’s still at the hotel - wow! I call to tell her what happened and she’s excited. I have to hang up because they are telling me I have to go thru some sort of gauntlet of activities in order to prove myself. As I was going thru the last of the process - my alarm went off and I woke up from my dream.
Maybe it’s a shadow of things to come.
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