Did You Hear? in Help Me Please
Revised: 10/08/2022 2:08 p.m.
- Oct. 8, 2022, 3 a.m.
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It’s going to be getting even more expensive here in Canada no matter where you live except for Quebec because some businesses will be charging a fee when customers use their credit card.
Here is the proof and yes it’s going to happen.
But I do think places like the grocery store won’t be charging it because they want the business. And they already know that groceries are costing more everyday they go shopping.
Even our phone companies are going to be taking advantage of this and sticking another needle into our arms. I am not sure about the cell phone companies but I do think the cable companies will also be charging if you use a credit card to pay.
I wonder if each province will be different and if those chains will be doing this? I wonder how many people will be using cash from now on? I know I will be asking each and every store and business I go into if they have a fee for credit cards and if they do then either I will use cash or not go in there. It’s going to make my shopping really hard when I run out of cash. Oh well…
Onto something else…
My son moved yesterday and he is really happy with where he is. I think as long as he pays his rent on time he will have a stable place and won’t have to move like he has in the past. And everything is included like the electricity and the internet so that is one thing or two things he doesn’t have to worry about.
Oh get this yesterday my son asked me what I thought about him marrying someone so that can stay in Canada and he would get paid $50,000 I told him if he did that I would be putting him up for a adoption and sending him to the roamers. I told him it was a scam and not to do it because he didn’t even have any information of what he would have to do or even how much it would cost him. So he told me he won’t do this. So when he comes here on Monday I will be asking him again.
Onto something else…
To nights dinner we are going to be having chicken drum sticks in the oven and rice and some sort of vegetable probably frozen And I do need to do some domestic work so I should get started on that fairly soon.
Well I need to stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe, and Behave.
Last updated October 08, 2022
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