Oh the drama..(long rambling) in A Day in the Life of Me
- Aug. 27, 2022, 1:26 p.m.
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So since the last entry, we had a new (older) lady start the Wednesday after Mr. inconsiderate left.
By the weeks end the assistant who started a week after me was getting antsy.
Mid way through the new (Older) lady’s first full week antsy (Younger) assistant is asking me if I know any legal assistants looking for a new job cause she was certain that the Older would be let go by Friday..... Wellllll she wasn’t… And Younger was LIVID…
It has actually been a mini nightmare cause she’s CONSTANTLY complaining about Older assistant and saying how she’s stupid and can’t do the job.
For some background…we were told that when Mr. Inconsiderate was gone they were bringing in someone a little older, who has accounting/assistant/small firm experience.. and when she arrived… It seemed as if she may have lied..
There did seem to be ALOT of inconsistencies…she has trouble with naming files.and shit.. but as did I and every firm does something different…
Anywho.. flash forward a week or two.. Younger is threatening (to me) that once her vaca is over, she’s not coming back because of Older and how much stress it’s putting her though having to work with her.. saying that noone believes her when she says Older doesn’t know how to do the work etc etc etc (mostly because she wasn’t let go at the end of her first full week like Younger thought would happen).
She also seems to forget that there not firing Older, ment that she got to KEEP her vacation, cause of they had sacked her, there would have been no Assistant on at that time.
She also said she wasn’t coming to the BBQ at our Senior Partners home today because Older MIGHT be there....
(Sadly plague has entered senior partners home and BBQ has been postponed anyway).
JR. Partner and I have been talking off and on about this..and while we agreed that Older isn’t as great as she seemed on paper, she IS working hard at trying..
Which Younger fails to see… and Youngers attitude towards it all is getting very draining… I want to be a good friend and support her, because she does have some mental health stuff going on… But when it starts to affect MINE.... I need to back up a little..
Younger comes back this week… Let’s see how it goes ..
Older got alot of training from me on front desk responsibilities, she seems to be more comfortable there now.
Before she didn’t even apparently know how to use the card terminal 😳.
She does mutter to herself… ALOT. Even when your trying to teach her something, and she hyperfixates on steps that you’ve gone WAY past.. but it’s a thing....
There is also a HUGE file that is heading to court soon that Younger has been helping the Senior Partner with since HE left.
While she was on vacation, one of the younger lawyers has been filling in. Basically getting nothing done on her own cases because of it, and I’ve been helping her where I can (double checking entries on indexing, tabs and page #’s.. making sure all the pages that were scanned in are up right and clear etc.)..
Weeelllll seemes there was a MINOR snaffle with the pagnation and some work that Younger had done wasn’t in 100% like it should have been, and younger lawyer (N) didn’t check it thinking it was.... And Thursday afternoon at about quarter to close … She realized ALLLL her pagnation work was about 7 digits off.... Nothing either of us could have caught because it hadn’t been linked up yet with the earlier work.
Well nothing I could do sadly, as much as I tried to offer, but N worked on it that night between office and home, and then back at it stupid early in office, then I went back through with a fine tooth comb and double checked everything, and we finally got it done before lunch yesterday.
Crisis averted. Kinda. It was heartbreaking seeing her realize what happened because she had been working on it nonstop since Monday, and even though it was a MINOR issue it still took HOURS to fix, and there had already been enough issues with this file.
Other than that… There’s really been nothing else on the go… I did two weekend craft shows back to back at start of the month.. first was good second was flop… Was like a month of 24hr stitching… Even at work between office actually opening and lunch.. didn’t hit the gym for like 3 weeks..
I’ve not lost a lb either…though a couple ppl commented that I’m looking more toned.... I haven’t LOST anything and I still can’t fit into my old stuff..
Oh and Nad’s had her second baby girl this week....no gallbladder.. but liver and ducts all seem to be working fine, so that’s a plus…
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