Sense of normality in Stuff

  • Aug. 2, 2022, 12:52 a.m.
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It amazes me how much time seems to fly, as it doesn’t seem like that long ago that I last wrote, but it was in fact 10 days ago. Then, on the other hand, I had my “Snapchat memories” pop up (which is a pretty cool feature they added recently) of all my photos I posted on there during the month of July, and I couldn’t believe how much I had done. There was the photo of me naked under the surgery gown while the doctor went and got the equipment prepared for me mole excision, and then also the photos of me in my surgical stocking from immediately afterward, and having the stocking wrapped in cling-wrap for every shower during the days afterward. It reminded me of how much pain I was in during those first 36 hours, and this discomfort in the week and a half afterward. As I write this, the only evidence I really have of having it done is the bruising, the hardened parts along the vein where blood has ‘pooled’ (it’s not dangerous, don’t worry, I’ve Googled), and occasionally the pain whenever I stand for a bit too long or stretch out my leg at the heel. Walking feels how it should again.
I certainly needed to wear my stocking at work last week though, but I haven’t had it on for the past two days. I have decided I will wear it again at work this week. I think I can go without it the week after that. But then I’m sure I’ll need it again after the next procedure.
I’ve gradually getting the normal feeling back in that leg that I had pre-surgery. It has been an ecstatic feeling for me. So exciting. It just amazes me how I went from such agony to almost normal again in two weeks. Touch wood. My mum was in agony for months after she had hers stripped (which was the only way in those days.)

I even had my first day back at gym this afternoon, tentatively. Very light weights and avoiding leg exercises, for now. When I re-start those, they’ll only be body-weight for some time I think. I told the manager when I renewed my membership that I was out of action from surgery for at least two weeks, and she kindly extended my membership to start today. And as I’m feeling okay, I thought why not make a start. Work my way back up. Try and look sexy haha. The past few days, especially, I could really notice my mental health had taken a bit of a beating, but at least now I had work to focus on.
I had trouble with the stocking slipping down quite a few times during the day, as I’m rushing around a lot, and it’s not like I can just adjust it back up in the store full of customers. I needed to keep going to the restroom to take my pants off to pull it back up. Brande’ suggested trying a hankerchief around the top of it. I didn’t have one of those, but realised I had a tie, so I used that. That was a complete fail. All it did was make it look like I had a weird lump in my pants (and not where a lump should be), and it fell down more often than the stocking itself did. I somewhat came up with a plan during my final two shifts where I pulled the stocking up as high as I could up my leg and tucked it into my boxer-briefs, which seemed to hold it! Hooray! I have a few pairs of briefs as well, so I had to make sure I didn’t wear those on work days. I’m also only one of probably two or three staff members wearing a mask at work. I’ve decided I’m wearing it at least until this newest wave dies down a little. We always have staff members off with it and having returned from it, who of course aren’t wearing masks. Fuck those odds. I’m definitely working off of odds these days in regards to Covid. I generally wear one anywhere indoors or on public transport at the moment, as is the current advice, not mandate. I’m mentally preparing to fight anyone (including customers) who have a go at me for wearing one, as I am well aware there are entitled fuckheads still out there. I don’t wear one outdoors unless I’m in a crowded area, like the markets near work on Thursdays.

I am booked in for my second part of treatment in two weeks time, so I don’t really know what to expect with those in regards to down-time. Surely it can’t be as long as this one, but I feel like the veins will certainly be re-aggrevted. The doctor has assured me that the injections aren’t painful, but I am not holding me breath, since the EVL treatment was also advertised as “virtually pain free” and if that was virtually pain free, I’d hate to think what they think the word ‘painful’ means.

Anyway, so all these ‘cosmetic’ procedures I’ve been getting done this week (although the varicose veins were deemed ‘medical’ after all) have made me annoyed at getting older, and having to ‘adult’. I was reminded of it even further as I finally lodged my tax today. I figured a month has passed and they may not be as busy now. I am getting a refund but it’s not as much as I would have hoped. I think I may have just slipped into a higher tax bracket and been taxed more, which is ironic considering my tax estimate reads that I’m eligible for the ‘Low income threshold’ lol. So you tax me more, but I’m still a lowly slave. Thanks ATO!
And my GOD. Trying to figure out cryptocurrency tax was like trying to build a rocketship for me. I was looking at all these figures and transactions (of which there like like maybe 10) and all I knew was that I certainly have NOT made any money on Crypto over the past financial year LOL. Yet, I still had to declare Capital Gains Tax. Fucking hell, the amount of tax in this country is through the roof. You pay income tax, then tax on the shit you buy with the money left over from that tax, then if you buy a house there’s stamp duty, then if you make money you have to pay CGT because the government wants their slice of your success, then you pay tax when you withdraw your superannuation at retirement (that is the only one at a lesser tax-rate). So anyway, as much as I knew from the crypto tax was that there certainly was NOT any Capital Gains for me to hand over to the government - if anything there would be a Capital LOSS LOL. But I still couldn’t figure out what that amount would be, and I didn’t want to get in trouble with the tax office for not declaring anything (as much like the stock exchange, the crypto exchange tells the ATO there were transactions) so they have a warning during the lodgement process.
In the end, I paid $49 to a crypto tax company (more money to waste on this shit lol) to figure it out for me. Apparently it is a $72 Capital Gains loss. What a surprise HA. So I downloaded all the reports, declared that amount, and they can ring me if there’s any issues with it. Since crypto is still fairly new, I’m still unsure about how previous years work. I certainly haven’t made anything in any of them lol.
I also had to pay off the credit card that took a massive beating last month. It’ll be another big one next month too, as like everyone at the moment, I have to be sensible with how much I pay off of it due to the insane cost of living at the moment. I’m not in a bad spot, I’m just trying to be financially responsible. You know, because I wasn’t the guy in the USA who won the billion-dollar Mega Millions jackpot lottery this past weekend. Anyone know him? Let me side into his DM’s. I’ll get into whatever position he wants :P

So yeah, I’m over all this adulting crap. I will say, the mole I had removed looks amazing down there now. Just saying. It’s going to do huge things for my confidence, especially if I ever start having sex again (it’s been a while!)
The varicose veins on my right leg are still visible, but a vast improvement already. Like they are there, but not unsightly like they were a fortnight ago. Already. And this next procedure is meant to clean up the rest of it, but the final results show in probably 6 to 9 months.
The fact the last mole removal I had done took a year to heal, and this one took barely a fortnight, hopefully the future is looking bright (medically and cosmetically) for current and future generations.

Oh I checked my email this morning and saw that Sophie Ellis-Bextor is performing here in November, as part of an annual LGBT festival every year. So that’s exciting! I haven’t seen her live since I saw her at Mardi Gras like a million years ago. And let’s face it, I need to get out and actually attend events, since I am a fucking hermit and a half these days. And hopefully my friend Kylie is coming up from Melbourne for it!

I think that’s about all for now.

Last updated August 02, 2022

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