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  • June 13, 2014, 7:02 a.m.
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Bit narked I'm not at Download this weekend. I mean, the line up is shit, I'm not bothered about the music, but Shellie got me a free ticket but I couldn't go because of work. :( Love the festival vibe, man! Still, I've got Alt Fest to look forward to in August. :)

On Wednesday I went through to Keswick with my dad. He's also interested in becoming a guided walk leader, but he missed the initial meeting, so they organised another one for my dad and another lady. I said I'd come because I missed the start of the other meeting (why they didn't coordinate it with public transport I have no idea! They're forever trying to encourage the minimising of carbon footprints!) and I was at work in the afternoon anyway.

We're chatting away with the organisers, Belinda and Annie, when Annie mentions a new idea they're thinking of piloting, which involves taking groups of KS1 kids on educational walks in various locations, including Derwentwater, which is easily accessible for me. My face must have lit up like a Christmas tree because she said "is that something you'd be interested in, Sonja?" I nodded vigorously and said it sounded right up my alley! She told me to come home, read up about it on their website (I check their vacancies once a week, the ad had gone live about half an hour after I'd checked it on Monday!) and to put my name forward for volunteering for that one as well if I was still interested.

It sounds fab, just teaching kids about responsible walking, what to bring, not leaving litter, the CROW act, things I already know about. It starts this summer, I'm really excited about getting started!

Etoile Filante June 13, 2014

That sounds so perfect for you!!! xXx

~Twinkle~ June 13, 2014

Fab! Xx

Lucretia June 14, 2014

Aerosmith are headlining? Yeah, you're really not missing much!

Great news about the job though, sounds like you'll really enjoy it x

Bomb Shell June 16, 2014

Yeah, and I still had one spare ticket; I ended up with five and only found takers for four of them! Gutted to waste a ticket :o(

I would never have bought a ticket for this year's lineup but, as you say, I love the festival vibe and we did see at least a few good bands :o)

That guided walk thing sounds great :o)

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