I hate job applications but I need a job in My life

  • June 20, 2022, 3:20 p.m.
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I suck at interviews. I’m just so dumb. I can’t speak with confidence.

The last OCI really scarred me. All the effort to no, absolutely no avail. I hated especially the interviews with a certain hot big law firm in town. I went to the call-back round. A shock for me because I knew my grades weren’t good enough, but the first-round interviewer shared my ethnicity and I somehow got questions that felt right… so. But man, the call-back round was demoralizing. Those interviewers looked at me like I was wasting their time. Completely disengaged. Obviously were doing other things while I talked (zoom interview). Ya-da. It’s all dumb. Come on! Their people were the ones inviting me for a call-back interview! I did not force myself to be in their presence! Okay, so I wasn’t good enough. Could they not have just treated me like a decent smart young person I was, and showed a little respect?

I wouldn’t boycott working for them for that reason, had I got an opportunity to, of course. Despite that treatment, I’d say heck yeah to their offer if there is one. We’re just living in this kind of world. Usually people are nice to their “inside-people,” cruel to outsiders.

I should get a laughing kick of out this process, seriously. I cannot stay sane otherwise. I can just vent and vent and vent about how much I hate these employers (but wouldn’t say no to them). Alright, that’s the plan.

Seriously, I hate them all. I hate this line of work. I wonder what I am doing here.

You know, I could like them like to satirical pieces. Mocking something and highlighting all their bad qualities just for fun.

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