sasquatch book stuff in life stuff and misc.

  • June 10, 2014, 10:34 a.m.
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I've finished four supplemental chapters for my "bigfoot in LA" book wrote a bare-bones draft of over the winter, fleshing out the pacing and better developing the antagonist character, as were the major notes from friends good enough to give it a look. That's twenty chapters now, one or two more to write buffeting those parts of the story and then I have to put in the work of actually polishing both the old stuff and the new stuff together into something that's coherent unto itself.

I mean, I'm sure I've accidentally touched on some of the same points multiple times, not for effect but out of forgetfulness. In 66,400 words I guess that will happen. Maybe I'll end up writing another six or seven thousand words before I get to the hard part of the editing, I don't know. Have some things I need to shift around and some other things I need to trim, of course.

80,000 words was my length ballpark for a sci-fi/literary fiction hybrid, I dunno, if it all ends up about 73-75K I wonder if that would get me laughed out of the room trying to pitch it somewhere.

I don't know who to pitch it TO or HOW but I'll burn that bridge when I cross it, I guess. I guess.

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