Home for a while in In the Kingdom of Suzu
- June 9, 2014, 4:28 p.m.
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Sure hope we will be home for a while. We left Thursday night for the memorial service on Saturday. Going down we split the trip up but had to do it all in one shot coming home. Hopefully, we can stay put for a while.
Thought we were finished with the drama in NC but nope! Saturday night we were relaxing and saw my MIL had a couple of messages. One from my PA sil who did not come down and one from an aunt who lives several hours away. Both of them were going to listen in on a phone system to the memorial service, but could not access it. PA sil was sobbing uncontrollably and then the next day called back to say that NC sil gave her the wrong number and she was BITTER! NC sil was upset and of course that makes. My MIL upset as well.
Then, when we get home, Jeff decides to call PA sil to try and cheer her up and gets a whole different side of the story as to what NC sil was up to. She gave the wrong number to PA sil, but amazingly. NC's children had the right number.
Originally I had asked mil and my nc sil about doing up a board with pix for the memorial service. NOPE, they did not want to do that. We get to nc and Jeff asks about pix and they tell us that pa sil was supposed to do that and give them to us! Jeff found some pix and made up a board but when he talked to his sister in PA about her supposedly doing the pix, she told him that her sister got real nasty and told her not to do them! There is a lot more, but suffice it to say that it is always drama, drama, drama and life is too short to get caught up in it all.
We should be good for awhile, altho my mil is coming up in July for 2 weeks. She will stay a few days with us and then a few days with her daughter. Wonder what drama that will entail with nc sil?
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