For the want of a kiss. in And here we go.
- April 21, 2022, 11:39 p.m.
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You were there, so close. Every day. I was a fool then I’m a fool now. For want of a kiss I didn’t know I had. Never thought I deserved it. Never even considered your feelings.
But you were there, every day. Tall, gorgeous, relentless, kind yet stern.
You got married, had kids. You still kept in touch with me.
And all I can wonder is why?
For want of a kiss I will not burn down both our worlds.
Today I block and delete you, from everywhere.
The time for that passionate romance in endless summer nights is gone.
Today I choose to burn myself alone.
For the want of a kiss,
a heart was lost
For the want of a heart,
a love was lost
A love I wanted to return..,
A love I found too late to learn..,
For the want of a Kiss,
a dream.. was lost..,
For the want of a dream.,
a world.. was lost..
A world that cried out to forgive..,
A world in which, I couldn’t live.
We stood there.., close together..
Pride said our.., goodbyes..,
But in.., our hearts our lips met,
it shone.., right through our eyes,
So the night fades away
and brings the dawn..
And I stand alone.. for my love has gone
A love too great to go amiss…,
Was lost for the want of just a kiss….
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