Lady in waiting in Second 1st

  • April 20, 2022, 3:43 p.m.
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After talking with Destiny this morning I realize that maybe I’ve left things out. I had 4 things to talk to her about this morning..... and can’t remember if they were even mentioned in here yet.....

1) Approved- The Cochlear Implant and surgery have been approved by insurance. Got my letters 2 days ago. Rocky forced me to call them just now. Honestly, I would have been fine waiting until they got their approvals. I left a message for the Lead Surgery Scheduling Specialist and when she calls me back ..... we will go from there. At this point I want to wait till after the trip for Destiny’s wedding.

2) Bacteria- My makeup is as old as my marriage. Being that you shouldn’t have anything longer than a year because it breeds bacteria, I decided to get new makeup for the wedding. I’ve had a bookmark for a site for forever. Real inexpensive stuff. So I ordered everything I though I needed and paid only 16.83 for the lot. Even ordered a few things to try.... Primer spray, setting spray, liquid eyeliner, pencil eyeliner, a 3 shadow pallet, lip gloss, 2 different concealers, and a finishing powder..... yes all for less than $20. They even had me pay $1 for insurance so they would have no issues covering if something broke. It came in a package looking like Bubble Boy though, no way anything was getting smashed. I tried it on today.... and the finishing powder is too dark for me.... but I will for sure just order a lighter shade and spend another $5 for some mascara (purple or black), some more shadow, and probably a blush I’ll never use because I no longer have a compact with a mirror in it. Overall, I’m very happy with my purchase. I obviously don’t wear makeup often enough to spend $10.00-$25.00 on 1 piece of makeup!

3) Under The Covers- The book store is live. Well, the items are now active. I don’t see my items in lists when searching but that should happen soon (sometime before midnight is my guess). Either way it’s nice to see they received my first box with no hitches.

4) em, bare, assed..... So, I got a call while I was on the toilet yesterday. .... and I answered the ladies questioned with my pants around my ankles. I stood at my computer looking things up. The next step for the Neurologist and the next appointments as well as contact information for the neurologist.... Thank God Rocky was still asleep and no one lives here but us lmao. It was a situation for sure lol.... bad timing and bad tummy.... whew! lmao

Cheers, to looking forward to things.... wedding, implant, first sale, and approval for more off time. .... just waiting....

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