Inch By Inch in Everyday Ramblings
- April 5, 2022, 1:50 p.m.
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I know for many of you spring hasn’t even started yet, and for some of you it is six months away, but here it is just roaring through. The ornamental pears are shedding their delicate white blossoms everywhere (including being tracked into the apartment) with the big winds and big changeable skies.
There are twigs and fallen branches everywhere. Good for the birds.
The young cherries planted up in the park a few years back have already shed most of their perfect pink blossoms that were in full display six days ago.
It is official. Ms. E. is graduating from NYU next month. The graduation ceremony will be in Yankee Stadium and the commencement speaker is Taylor Swift. Her mother will be there, flying out from Seattle. We don’t know what comes next, but you can bet everyone in the family is proud of her. College during a pandemic with a school transfer in the middle was one heck of a challenge.
Other than a trip to meet my new dentist next week (sadly, with some sort of repair in the offing), and gearing up for the primary election, my calendar is more open than it has been in a long while.
I have had a few mostly luxurious days, with nothing extra scheduled. I got a bunch of seedlings planted yesterday and most of my garden plot set. The blueberry is flowering and leafing out.
Diego continues to be doing well. He is curled up next to me here.
All my hair accoutrements have been sorted and I got a new brush and a simple wide tooth wooden comb. Now I am hyper aware of the thinning I am doing everything I can think of to not put any undue stress on my hair. I need to find a salon or person to trim it. It has been well over a year. The guy I went to back then is out of business.
And in terms of coming up with strength training goals for both me and my two partner/students in weight-lifting land, I am thinking about going to the gym. Seriously considering it for the first time in over two years. My gym did manage to survive the pandemic.
I saw they had plenty of Covid tests for sale at the grocery this morning. If I test before I know I am going to be around Kes and anyone else vulnerable like Mr. Sherlock, I think I am ready to put my toe back in the in-person world.
We still have a couple of weeks left on mask mandates for the train and buses.
When I do go back to the gym, I will wear a mask to start and see how I feel.
Besides not wanting to give anyone Covid, I don’t want to get any sort of respiratory virus. Things are complicated enough with seasonal allergies! It is a small price to pay but having a runny nose under one’s N95 (like this morning) is no fun at all.
I know there isn’t much drama here in this post, or in my life presently and that is fine by me. There is plenty of drama out there in the world. The only thing certain is that things will change.
And I feel on the brink of change.
There is no big authority bullhorn saying, okay, you can go out now, the pandemic is over. Because it is not over.
We just incrementally step out, prepared to step back as needed, one metatarsal at a time.
Last updated April 06, 2022
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