Friday 02/25/22 in Lady Loves the Ocean

  • Feb. 25, 2022, 2:28 p.m.
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Good Afternoon Friday!! 

Yes, I am later than usual getting here today. Not much to say about that. I just kept myself busy all morning. But I didn’t skip the day. I thought about it. I don’t have much to say today. So there is that. But here I am. I just want to stay consistent. On track. Skipping a day here would make me feel bad. Like I let myself down. So even a short entry is better than none. I know some people read my diary. Because I get notes from them. And I must say I am very grateful for your notes. I enjoy reading them. And I don’t feel so alone knowing others take the time to read and comment on my diary. And some people even have the same thoughts as I do. Thank you. 

So I woke up to about 3 inches of snow. It is currently 27 degrees and we have sunshine. I shoveled what little snow was in my driveway, walkway, and on my deck. I normally pay someone to do that for me. But it was 11 a.m. and he still hadn’t bothered to come and do it. So I did it myself and saved myself $20. He came as I was finishing up. I wanted the exercise. As I told him. And I thought maybe he had forgotten about me. It was nothing major. If we had gotten more snow then I probably would have just waited it out. I don’t think he was very happy but oh well. It was light fluffy snow so it didn’t take much to move it. It would be great if that was the last snow of the season but it won’t be I am sure. We haven’t had a lot of measurable snow this year so far. I would classify our winter as being pretty mild so far. I know we have at least another month of winter. Anything can happen. So I better shush up. lol.

Tomorrow and Sunday we are supposed to have nice weather. With temps rising in the 50’s. I look forward to getting out and walking. I will visit my son one of the days. Grandma can’t disappoint Quinn like she did last week. Quinn called Grandma on Sunday in tears. “Grandma, I thought you were coming over to my house.” I felt so bad. We face-timed for about an hour and she settled down. Grandma is prepared this week. I got a coloring book and some barbie press on nails to do her fingernails. I know she will love that. She was asking mommy to do it last Sunday and mommy was just too sick. Morning sickness is all-day sickness. I feel so bad for my daughter-in-law. This pregnancy is much like the last one. She is so sick and so tired all the time. I hope and pray it passes soon. 

I have pork chops, mushroom soup, potatoes, and carrots in the crockpot for supper. It is smelling pretty darn good. So I have enough for two meals. I also have leftover ravioli from yesterday. Sunday I am going to do boneless ribs. Again I have enough for two meals. So I will have enough leftovers for the week. I will get my snap benefits on Wednesday. I will not shop again until sometime after that. And I will be very careful with this month’s money. There will be no more of the extra money after March. I think my next trip for groceries I will shop at Aldi’s. 

I also have a small amount charged on the one credit card that I have. I am going to pay that balance off this month. And then if I need it for emergency funds it will be there. You never know when something will come up. I hope to be able to get a new pair of prescription eyeglasses soon. That will be an added expense coming up. I don’t plan on getting anything fancy. I plan to go to Walmart and I am just going to get something basic. Because I will also need to get a pair of prescription sunglasses. I will make it work. Where there is a will there is a way. 

I watched the return of some of my favorite shows last night. “Station 19” always makes me cry. Every single episode. “Grey’s Anatomy” was another tear-jerker last night. And “Big Sky” had me jumping out of my seat. I am not sure what I will watch tonight. Probably something on Netflix or Hulu. And then I will read before I fall asleep. 

I am going to stop here. This was actually longer than I expected. Pretty boring stuff running around in my head. But I came and I purged my thoughts and didn’t miss a day. Yay, me. 


Last updated February 25, 2022

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