FRIIIDAY in A Life Uncommon

  • May 30, 2014, 12:59 p.m.
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Sometimes I do a happy dance because it's Friday, other times it just feels like any other day so I don't really care too much. Today, I'm happy. Friday means the weekend and it looks like Jack will be off again this weekend. Contrary to popular belief, I really do enjoy spending time with him!

Yesterday Nich had his second appointment with the counselor. We aren't really doing a whole lot there, just learning some meditation/calming stuff and reinforcing our home routines/consequences. The counselor mentioned ending Nich's groundation, which is something I agree with but getting militant Jack on board is going to be a struggle. It's really hard to co-parent with someone who doesn't quite think mental issues are real. I know, because it's hard enough maintaining a relationship with someone like that.

He isn't particularly resisting anything yet, and that makes me feel better. I know he wants the best for Nicholaus as much as I do - and I know he is desperate for answers, too. The plan is pretty slow and steady anyway, so I hope Jack can process things and come around more.

The counselor also offered me a job, in a kinda-joking-but-not-really way. He praised our parenting and interactions, and said that my Bachelor's degree is enough and I have the talent. I cried - mostly because if I had the talent I wouldn't be in that office, pleading for someone to help me so I'm not so overwhelmed with my own child.

But it made me feel good.

He asked about my parenting styles and my "history". My only statement was a pretty all inclusive one: My parents were alcoholics, we as siblings raised each other. My parenting style is defined by my parents, in that I put everything I know about my mom and dad and how they acted into a box and labelled it, "HOW I NEVER WANT TO TREAT MY KIDS".

I'm certainly not a perfect parent and every day I find opportunities to grow and learn as a parent. But it made me feel good, and less lost, to hear that from him. He also put it back into perspective when he said that Nicholaus very much has the potential to be "worse" - impulse/decision wise. He could be into everything, not listening, just lost in his world. Our diligence has guided him, and despite how very overwhelmed I could be worse.

Did anyone else read the article about the Sudanese woman who gave birth and is now open for her sentence of being flogged and hanged? It made me sad and impressed, all at once, as at the end of the article the government says that the woman will live for another 2 years to nurse the baby before her sentence is carried out.

Look, even a country who still beats and hangs women who do not comply knows that nursing is normal, and 2 years isn't too long.

WHoops, sorry, my lactivist fell out. I'll just tuck that back in.

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