Dreams in My this and that

  • May 29, 2014, 5:58 p.m.
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Today I am thankful for such entertainment every night.

Last night I dreamt I was kidnapped. Of course I thought I should try to escape, but in my attempts I got shot in the head. The bullet entered on the top left side of my head, and exited through the right side of my lower jaw, taking a tooth with it.

First I noticed the explosion out the side of my face, and the tooth missing, I was spitting out the blood from my mouth. Then I realized an incredibly cold sensation beginning where the bullet had entered my head, and it spread from there to my whole body. It was like my body hadn't realized what had happened and kept trying to fight off the attackers, but then I slowly just collapsed and couldn't move. It was terrifying, but for some reason I remained pretty calm.

My kidnappers then argued about where to hide me. First one grabbed my arm and jerked me toward the bedroom, then the other attacker grabbed my foot to drag me to the front closet. I tried to tell them that they were leaving a big bloody trail... but because of the wound my mouth didn't work properly.

As they argued, somehow I regained some of my strength and while they were distracted I bolted for the door. I ran down the street, and into the back yard of a neighbour, where I pounded on the door pleading for help. An older lady opened the door and after I explained the situation, she let me hide in her basement.

Eventually they came looking for me, so I found a hiding spot. From there I saw they had my husband with them, trying to use him to draw me out. It didn't work! Finally my hubby found me and we hid together... eventually being found by the bad guys....

then i woke up.

That sensation of being shot in the head though... it was so real to me.

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