February 1, 2022 in The Past

Revised: 02/03/2022 7:34 a.m.

  • Feb. 1, 2022, 8 a.m.
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  • Public

Day One. This time I hope I can actually get through the month without fail. I already owe 750 words 5.00, which will be paid on Thursday, lol. I don’t want to owe them more with my challenge pledges. Granted, if I win, it’ll cost even more money, but maybe I can convince Mom or Court to pay for that one, since it is a congraditory thing. It’s lettermo this month as well, which means a lot of writing things out by hand and also by computer here. Woo.

First letter goes to Aunt Jan, since that’s the rule for every lettermo. I don’t know what all I’m going to tell her, maybe just a little ranting about my daily life and talking about the dogs and the guins or something. I don’t have much that I want to share with her. I might talk to her about the cream puff business I’m doin right now. The puff post was put up yesterday and I already have 16 dozen to whip together. Which means today gets to be spent cleaning the kitchen and making choux. Hell, today seems like it’s going to be a busy one. I get to finish my post here, then start the letter to Jan, make lunches, cut veggies, feed guins, and then I have a therapy appointment at 10am. I don’t know what I want to talk to Stu about today. Everything’s just becoming too much and I don’t know how to stop the freight train once it gets chugging down the track. Anyways, after the appointment, I have to clean the kitchen and like I said, start the choux. I am not sure how many batches I’ll need, so far it seems like around 5 or so. It’s what? Tuesday? Today we make Choux, tomorrow we make fillings, and I don’t know if I want to bake the choux on Thursday or early Friday morning. I think early Friday, and get it ready to deliver Friday and Saturday. It’s not like I’m going to make a lot of money on this – it’s more of a hobby and a bit of therapy that doesn’t require me to eat a thousand puffs on my own.

Speaking of eating a thousand puffs… the weight lost thing hasn’t been going good lately. I’m going to have to get on track. That’s hard though, especially since no one else in the house eats healthy either. Bleh.

I had an interesting dream this morning that I want to try to flesh out a little bit. I hope you don’t mind if I do it here, lolz.

Setting is the nearish future. Humanity has pretty much destroyed everything thatt looks / sounds like it could be a threat to it and is reaching the apex of their evolution. One day an alien species invades. They’re warlike but somehow they’re able to take over the planet without much fuss. I don’t know if they’re doing this openly or if they’re doing it clandestenly. But that’s what happens. The alien species is very close to man, perhaps is / was man earlier in their history, but I digress. They’ve mastered the art of gene manipulation.. well, maybe not mastered. But they do a lot of gene manipulation and due to that and the side effects from it, most of the men are sterile, probably about 90% of them are, and on top of that, females are only born 1 out of every thousand or so births. Which means women are very rare and are very well taken care of and cherished and the like. They’re usually traded off and are very valuable. But what this does is make it so that the population is dying off, so they have to find a species that’s compatible enough with them that they’re able to interbreed. Enter the humans.

We like to fuck but we don’t like rules and the like. So they conquer us. They aren’t compatible with all our women, and even if they were, they’re slave women so they don’t get half as nice treatment and the like. Anyways, the dream was about a girl who’s twin sister was taken as a breeder woman. The two had a special twin power where they would be able to see out of each other’s eyes / feel each other’s pain and the like. The captive sister is killed by one of the head honchos of the invasion team and the other girl sees everything that happens, it causing her to join the resistance and helping her following him and and making a few attempts at his ife. I don’t know. Bleh. I’m going to think some more when i’m not falling asleep while trying to write this. :$

Last updated March 29, 2023

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