A first, drunk entry in Everything
- May 27, 2014, midnight
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Just so you know, this entry is brought to you by beer. So like if there are any grammatical errors or a completely unrelated topic popping up here and again it's just kind of a given at this point. Take it as a disclaimer, and the title refers to the fact that I have never, to my knowledge written a possibly drunken entry on PB. There was this one time on OD, but it was only once and I was young and really needed the money. Don't you judge me. So I usually have really good ideas of things to write about while I am sitting in my chair watching tv and like a commercial will come on like say for Hershey's spreadable chocolate and I just can't help but think why aren't they showing some sultry floozy dipping her boobie in it. Then I remember that I'm 40, and wonder why the first term that came to mind was boobie. Ya, fucking mind blowing shit right there. I had an interview recently, ya unhappy in my job so I was looking, I realize pretty early on that I am in way over my head. Don't you just wish that you could hit an eject button and wind up back on the sidewalk in front of the building where you could just walk away with some sort of semblance of pride and humanity still intact. I gotta figure out how to manufacture a button like that, I would rake in million$! Ya waiting for a call back that probably wont ever happen, I felt like I was in the middle of a really long joke and just as I'm getting to the punch line everyone is losing interest. Probably a metaphor for something bigger, but then again, probably best for the old self esteem if you don't look to closely at that. So anywho, I think bedtime is a good call right now.
Last updated May 27, 2014
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